Thursday, April 19, 2012


Right this guy is driving me nuts.. Well actually he isn't, stupid people burning to death in flame patches is driving me nuts.

We can down vashj reliably now and yet spend a whole night wiping on this guy. We have the tactics sorted, tanking is fine, ad's are picked up fine. The thing that gets us every single time is people dying to flame patches.

The biggest excuse is that they can't see the fire (how they miss the GIANT BLUE WRITING in the middle of the screen is beyond me). So my question is this.. how do you get people to move out of the fire reliably?|||just make sure that people are spread out...most players can only survive three ticks of the patch, and having more than one person in the patch is costly. also hunters pets should NOT be anywhere near him during phase two. just making sure to keep mobile is a good strategy.

also you should be using this for a group

5 Tanks. You need 4 minimum. 5 tanks are recommended. They can be any class: druid, warrior, and paladins are all fine. However, I recommend that paladin tanks don't tank Al'ar for Phase One. Feral Charge and Intercept are needed after a Fire Quill (4 tanks is all you need for Phase 1, by the way. 5 tanks is pretty much necessary for Phase 2, however, though I'm sure some guilds will disagree).

8 Healers. 7-8 healers is good (Phase one is really easy to heal - five healers could probably do it. It's Phase Two that you really need to pump out a ton of healing in).

12 DPS. Four melee DPS, eight ranged DPS, ideally

another note is that this isnt really a gear check more than its a check of communication...wherever its breaking down, you should sort those people out of the bunch and fix it.|||it aint a gear check, it is a concentration test. if people keep dieing in the flames, kick them out of the raid, simple as that. maybe they will concentrate next week, or otherwise too bad for them. If they cannot see the fire, turn up the graphic details and the spell detail levels. Install a boss mod. This excuse is just not tolerable.

my guild leader is rather harsch, i must admitt, but it keeps the raid on its toes. you do stupid stuff a few ID's in a row, you may even get a gkick. There is just no room for slackers.|||Quote:

just make sure that people are spread out...most players can only survive three ticks of the patch, and having more than one person in the patch is costly. also hunters pets should NOT be anywhere near him during phase two. just making sure to keep mobile is a good strategy.

also you should be using this for a group

5 Tanks. You need 4 minimum. 5 tanks are recommended. They can be any class: druid, warrior, and paladins are all fine. However, I recommend that paladin tanks don't tank Al'ar for Phase One. Feral Charge and Intercept are needed after a Fire Quill (4 tanks is all you need for Phase 1, by the way. 5 tanks is pretty much necessary for Phase 2, however, though I'm sure some guilds will disagree).

8 Healers. 7-8 healers is good (Phase one is really easy to heal - five healers could probably do it. It's Phase Two that you really need to pump out a ton of healing in).

12 DPS. Four melee DPS, eight ranged DPS, ideally

another note is that this isnt really a gear check more than its a check of communication...wherever its breaking down, you should sort those people out of the bunch and fix it.

This is exactly what we are doing or trying to anyway. P1 is fine, all us tanks know what we are doing. Noone is dying to the quill, he is occasionally getting off 1 flame buffet after a quill but this is no biggy imo. The ads are picked up and tanked with no issues and we are saving 4-5 ads for P2.

Once P2 arrives he is picked up fine, the ads are picked up fine. He is taunted when melt armour is applied. But things just go wrong, someone dies with pretty much every flame patch, its unbelievable and would make baby Jesus cry.|||if its the same people that keep going down... then /raidkick and replace. find someone more competent for running away from a HUGE flame than a couple moths|||There's a lot of random aoe like that coming up in later fights, if they can't handle it on Al'ar they won't be able to handle it later. Just don't be a carebear if it's the same people doing it over and over.|||Install a penalty.

Every time you die due to a flame patch, you pay the guild bank.

10g first time, 25g second time, 50g third time.

You don't pay up, you get kicked out of the raid and replaced.

I can promise you people suddenly start to pay attention when it's costing them 85g a night.

Note that it's 'cheap'-ish the first time. Accidents can happen - Al'ar can charge someone or they get hit by the whirlwind and they get one-shotted when a flame patch spawned beneath 'em. Maybe they're dodging a flame patch to get bumped into it by an exploding add they overlooked...

None of those are excuses, but excreta occurs, as the saying goes.

//edit: On a sidenote, I can't think of a single good reason to save adds.

Your melee is going to be useless in the first phase anyway - have 'em kill the adds and it'll be a lot easier on your tanks and your healers.

There's plenty of DPS to go round in the second phase without saving adds.|||For a lot of people, if their less than max health two ticks might well kill them and you will almost always get two ticks getting out. So instant reactions are required.|||Well maybe I spoke too soon, he went down tonight :)|||nice, gratulations :D

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