We have the murlocks being tanked far away from Moro. In that way we ensure that the murlock tank never gets graved (it has a 50 yrd range iirc).|||We are about to start tidewalker..
From what I understand if you move the prot pally out of WG range and stand a warlock near him who has LT down to 1000hp that is the trick.
Have hte pally start healing the warlock after the emote even before you see the murlocs so that run to the pally straight away.
Tranquil air+dmg totem and salv on 3-4 mages and 2-3 locks for aoe goodness then back to work on tidewalker.
9 healer fight.
That sound right to you yamaha?
It certainly sounds easier than alar, that guy was a beast!
I was shocked at how easy hydross was...he's easier for us than lurker.
Same goes for solarian.
We're starting tidewalker tonight. Can we compare notes?|||I wouldnt say 9 healers. We have 8 (and one is the murloc tank)
One on merloc tank.
Two on raid.
Four on MT.
Makes 7 plus the tank (8 for us, since our 'tank' is a healadin with righteous fury wearing PVP arena gear, who heals herself too)
// I guess it would be nine, putting one on watery graves... or just putting 3 on the MT. The raid healers often throw me heals too when not busy.
We have a lot of locks. Taking 3 to a raid is easy. Taking 3 to a raid while 1-2 sit out is somewhat common. Dont need our mages to AOE; they can stay on the boss.
The locks (would) just turn around and spam seeds allover the merlocs then back to tidewalker. The merlocs have... 17k health I believe. Easy for 2-3 locks to seed up.
As example; we have just two locks clean up all hydross ads within 2 marks per phase. The rest of the dps are on hydross. Only time an ad is still up if it got away and dragged back (missed some of the seeds)
Here, this vid is what were gonna try. With the merlock tank out of range of water grave, plus the warlock
Were gonna do this tonight. So I'll have more info about how it worked. The last strat had so many problems with key peple getting graved|||Quote:
Oh, and to Aerath- I'd say that from a co-ordination PoV, Kael'thas is a little harder than Vashj. The second advisor phase, tipping into fighting Kael himself is a lot harder to learn to control reliably than phase 2 of the Vashj fight- a lot of time will be spent getting this one choke point down to a fine art.
Kael feels much more repeatable than Vashj at least. And, Vashj basically gives you one phase where everything drops on top of you all at once. Phase 1 and 3 are snooze fests, but phase 2 is mayhem.
Anyway - Rgirty, I feel that if you bring 9 healers, you'll be short on DPS/AoE for the murlocs and Morogrim. There is no enrage timer on him, but your healers will be going oom if the fight takes too long - more dps will benefit you more than an additional healer.|||Well, if we bring 5 mages all with 1100-1200 unbuffed dmg hit capped, with 3 locks who have the same stats I doubt we'll be short dps.
The aoe mobs won't take long at all and our protadin can hold them.
3 shadow priests = no mana issues.
2 resto shaman for raid healing, 7healers for the rest.
I think it'll work, we'll see. We're going to try something very different tonight by just taking our lurker group over. I don't expect to down him but I think it will answer some questions about why we don't need 4 tanks for the fight.
We'll see, only 3 bosses separate us from starting on vashj/kael.|||Wow 3 s-priests. I normally take 1. I've been debating taking 2 more regularly. I wonder whats 'typical'. I was worried we'd lower raid dps (yet again) having multiples.
We'll see, only 3 bosses separate us from starting on vashj/kael.
For us, the hardest one is leo. We down him, but it aint pretty.
Its so dang simple too. Run out, stop dps. Rinse and repeat. But no. Always someone with dots. Or a snail at running out. Each attempt someone different. Then we do well, and the lock tank will die. Or I die. Sigh sigh sigh sigh
Wow 3 s-priests. I normally take 1. I've been debating taking 2 more regularly. I wonder whats 'typical'. I was worried we'd lower raid dps (yet again) having multiples.
Our 3 shadowpriests are well over 1100 dmg unbuffed, i'm over 1200 with another sp very close to that mark.
I typically roll in about 4 or 5 for most boss encounters, just behind our 3-4 powerhouse mages. Resto shaman+dps caster class really is very powerful.
We had two mages go over 500kdmg each on lurker while i kicked out 400k myself, finishing just under another mage who pumped out about 450.
The dps in our guild is very good. We did hydross with 24 people (1 healer short) because a healer dc'd|||Our rogues / enh shammies / 1-2 hunters are the ones pulling 500-600k. Usually 1k Sust on the WWS, sometimes 1200 range
// But it srsly depends on the fight too. Very much so.|||Our rogues do pretty well, they just can't catch our uber mage crew especially with unlimited mana shaman totems and the new 2/48/11 spec.
1k+ is common. 900 on a bad attempt, or slip ups.|||Quote:
new 2/48/11 spec.
Our strongest are arcane blasters. Specially now after 2 peice bonus from T5. Their grouped with s-priests and shamans to sustain the mana.
Im just suprised. Our fire mages don't dent the rogues. The rogues/couple hunter reign supreme unless some special conditions that prevent them.
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