Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soloing SM

Hey guys, today i ran Dm for some greens and blues to disenchant and make some money, and then i thought of SM, now myself being a lvl 46 hunter it seemed really stupid even thinking about trying to solo SM, but i guess i can ask here, whats the lowest lvl for someone to solo SM. I mean any sm, let it be library, armory or the other 2. Some dude said lvl 36 for library but i guess he didnt get my question and thought i asked what the lowest lvl to do it in group Thx|||A budy and I duoed almost all of the wings in SM around 46 ish (iirc) we're both hunters (we died a lot in the Cath though). You should at least be able to run the lower level wings like the GY.

Also, don't forget about some of the other nice ones for some lowbie gear and drops like - Wailing, Shadowfang, and Blackfathom, I'd leave Gnomer alone as the mobs can get extreme with how many there are.|||Yeah you should be able to manage GY, possibly Library. I know Cath at 55ish was a doddle for a warrior, so a Hunter should be fine at about 50 I reckon|||sweet going to try GY later then :D thanks for help.|||On a related note, how well would a 47 Rogue and a 47 Arcane Mage do in the Library? The bf got a Mage quest for that area, but we can't find people who we could group with. If we can do it alone, then it'd be awesome. :)|||Quote:

sweet going to try GY later then :D thanks for help.

BTW - there are several rare spawns (silver dragon) that show up on occasion in the GY so be sure to look for them.

Fallen Champion

Azshir the Sleepless


Ironspine|||uhm ok i soloed SM GY today without any problems, but i got to say OMG it sucks, i made a total of 2 greens and 1 blue, which made me 5g and it took me 45min to run the whole thing..... now i can do dm in 30mins normal pace and it makes me a total of around 15g..... seriously GT sucks :D|||Quote:

On a related note, how well would a 47 Rogue and a 47 Arcane Mage do in the Library? The bf got a Mage quest for that area, but we can't find people who we could group with. If we can do it alone, then it'd be awesome. :)

No dice imo. Place is a bit too clustered for that, lot of casters and those monks like to kick, meaning no spellcasting.

Having said that, bit surprising that you can't get a group for that place. Considering Houndmaster Loksey is in that area as well, and he's a mandatory kill for a quest, together with Herod, Morgraine and Whitemane.

Plus, Lib leads to the key that you need to open the armory and the cathedral. Considering your levels, you might be better off asking for a Cath run and then asking the group nicely if they'll also do the Lib because of some open standing quests.

Oh, and if you're going in there. Make sure that you've been to the Needles, there's a quest there called, Test of Lore, which will eventually lead you to the Lib as well. Might as well, do them all in one fell swoop. Provided, you're Hordies of course.Oh and lest I forget, if non-Forsaken, then there's another book quest for SM Lib in TB.|||Quote:

On a related note, how well would a 47 Rogue and a 47 Arcane Mage do in the Library? The bf got a Mage quest for that area, but we can't find people who we could group with. If we can do it alone, then it'd be awesome. :)

47 mage and 47 rogue should easily clear library IMO. 2x CC, stunlock, kiting. Highest mob in ther3 is lvl 37 or 38.

on the other hand, i guess the quests and the mobs you kill will allready be grey to you, so why bother ? better try to find a maraudon group.|||hunter should be able to solo everything BUT houndmaster in library at around 48 or so..those dogs cause a little too much hell.

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