Thursday, April 19, 2012

Outland "normal" 5mans dead?

Wondering if its just on my server the regular 5 man runs are somehow dead , talking about all instancing up to 70 ones (Auch,Coilfang,HF ones).

Went terrible bored of leveling my priest in "world" and got a tip from a guildie that leveled his pally from 59-70 in only 5 man runs , hell i thought and specced disc/holy for maximum easyness in my main role as healer.

Now after trying to hit 65 for 3 or 4 evenings a row (i need only one damn UB run to finish Q and enuff exp for ding) it feels almoast impossible to pug my way to 70 , its just the BG dailys gives me 10k exp/day nowdays so its somehow slow

Is EVRYBODY stacking badges , running heroics/Kara , or is it just my server that is ....

and after looong consideration i decided to get back to the darkside with the priest and quest again ..... but i really enjoy the healing role (i got rogue+mage at 70 so i only saw the DPS side of wow so far) ..... or fast get up a Warrior as it seems that tanks often are needed|||You'll find things pretty dead in outland below 70. There are plenty of people looking for rep to get to honoured, so they can start on the (now hilariously nerfed) heroics. Since you can do heroics in nothing but risqu� underwear and a broad grin now, people don't have to gear up as hard in 5 man anymore- so the bulk of activity will be heroic. However, on the servers that I am used to, you still see a fair bit of activity in the "normals".

However, on the way to 70, your best bet is to quest quest quest. Even levelling my warrior, I couldn't find enough people to let me instance my way up :)|||I recently leveled my priest to 70. Besides ramparts, which everyone wants to do, I did all instances with guildie alts (and sometimes mains). One reason is there aren't many people in the LFG system, the other is among those in LFG, there are really a lot who don't have a clue about grouping/tanking etc.|||What Baboon said. The LFG system is generally borderline scrapings, people who don't know about waiting for mobs to be on the tank, following kill order and the like. XP gain is going to be faster if you just spend a couple of hours questing in a level-appropriate zone, rather than wiping in an easy instance with a doofus parade.|||i guess ive been lucky with most of my pug's in instances then ... usually evryone does what tehy are supposed to ..

well , i just gonna ding 65 then back to shadow|||i only level in instances, my warrior was always def specced after 58 and my priest is holy since lvl 58. DiDnt have muhc problems finding groups.

and moopy does overgeneralise as usual when it comes to PuG's. they are not that bad.|||PuGs can be ok, but I usually check armory when I look for people for an heroic. I try to avoid random tanks as much as possible as you'll really get nowhere if you get a [/url=]Donald[/url]. A random dps won't hurt your group in the same way, it will just be a bit slower. Make sure your healer is specced for healing and has heaing gear as well (you never know.. ).

For normal instances I just make sure people have some idea what their role will be, can write coherently and don't come from a guild with a misspelled name.|||I think most heroics have been made so easy now that normals are almost dead, or so I hear from some of my guildies new to the game.

I also think the revered to normal requirement nerf is a bad idea. All one needs to do is the quests from each faction, run the normal 70 instance a couple of times to hit revered. It's really not hard at all. This has contributed to the difficulty of getting pugs for normals. Previously even alts from high end guilds might need to pug some normals to get to revered. Now they can go staright to heroics with their superior geared guildies thereby taking out a whole population of people who might otherwise need to pug normals to the detriment of people who don't have such an option.

So while I like to complain about them not gearing up on their own, I guess they do have a point about how hard it is to get a group for a normal.

So I encourage them to try their best to run some normals, get a feel for the instances, pick up a few pieces of gear and head for the easier heroics already.

Once they do that, things pick up alot faster. It's a bit like gearing up for pally tanking compared with a warrior. A warrior is practically there upon hitting 70 with the right spec, a paladin has to work alot harder to get to the same level, but once there, gear improving is just about equal to that of a prot warrior.|||I leveled 63-69 this past week in instances only. Basicly honored everywhere, and still a while to go. I'm specc'd shadow, but I can heal anything up to Crypts and can dps anywhere. It takes a while, specialy for a tank, but there is a group of people that I didn't know beforehand but met through lfg doing the same thing, so the group is at least 2 people not pugged. Thats all it takes to make it through.|||My Shaman has done every single outlands instance on her way to 70.

She's done most old world instances too.

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