Thursday, April 19, 2012

How comfortable in Kara before moving on?

When do you know your guild is ready to move on to ZA / Gruul's?

We have cleared Kara (finally got Nightbane full guild only last night, regularly kill Prince) and are currently working on getting better at those fights, getting gear and badges.

When do we know it's time to make a valid attempt at ZA? We tried once a few weeks ago, but couldn't quite cut it. Same with Gruul's - we tried with a mixture of people (we don't have 25 solid raiders) awhile back, but couldn't get down Maulgar, even.|||when you can go through kara without a sweat and everyone has good gear|||when you can clear kara in a evening and noone needs alot items from kara any more.

that said, get into the other instances whenever you have kara cleared. you dont only need gear, you also need to practice the bosses. specialy maulgar with his rather special fight mechanics.|||Yeah, /agree with the above. If you can clear all of Kara in a 4 hour evening, you're ready for ZA. And I do mean all, including Netherspite, Illhoof, etc. If you're doing that you likley aren't needing much of the gear either. I'd certainly try going into ZA before that point, but it might be a struggle to get past the first boss.

Gruul is the same thing, but for 2 groups. If both can clear the instance and you have some subs for all of the roles who could move into either Kara team and pull their weight, you're ready. You'll need 6-8 healers and 2 groups will give you 4, so it's not a straight move over, but combined with good subs you can certainly go at HKM.|||We have most of Kara on farm, Ilhoof, Netherspite and Nightbane usually wipe us a few times however. Gruul however we find not impossible by any means if everyone is on their game and you have 2 decent tanks (ie full epic, several T4 items, gemmed and enchanted, know what they are doing) and a mage tank. ZA however is T5, we can kill the first boss however would say you need fully T4 gear party for that, not just Kara on farm.|||HKM is a coordination fight. As long as you have one fairly well-geared tank it's something to have a shot at. Gruul will be pretty hard, but get steadily easier as you collect more T4-level gear.

For ZA, you do need decent gear - tanks and healers in particular, but everybody really. By all means give it a shot, but you really want most of your raid to have mostly karazhan/T4 level gear before you make serious attempts on ZA - its gear requirements are, IMHO, higher than the start of the T5 instances.

If you can do Nightbane and Prince without either your tanks or healers getting into a sweat, you should have a go in ZA. If you can do Nightbane with 2 healers, better still :-)|||If you can get together enough people to try maulgar then I'd give it a go, aslong as your tank can stand up to Maulgar then you should be fine. Gruul's a bit of a DPS fight and a bit about watching the area around you. He's doable in half kara items.

ZA is a fair bit tougher so farm kara for a few weeks before heading there.

I should add that these recomendations are for guilds of atleast semi skilled people.|||Gruuls is actually reccomended before hitting ZA. I tanked ZA last night with our MT (Pally 3/5 T4 and Gruuls/ZA gear) and we only downed Bear and eagle boss before the timer expired. ZA is a real Skill check cause you can do it Kara gear but it will be really hard. The 10 people we had in there were all epic-ed out and we still could not do the speed run. So just be ready for ZA. The mobs and Bosses all hit like Prince in Phase 2 and the fights are about skill and paying attention. Most Kara stuff is tank and spank with some curves. ZA will kick your ass the 1st time unless you are in like...all T5 gear.

Good fun though. I must be good luck for our guild of something. 1st time in Kara with them, Mongoose drops.....1st time in ZA with them.. Executioner drops and neither had dropped previously. Go figure|||Quote:

Gruuls is actually reccomended before hitting ZA. I tanked ZA last night with our MT (Pally 3/5 T4 and Gruuls/ZA gear) and we only downed Bear and eagle boss before the timer expired. ZA is a real Skill check cause you can do it Kara gear but it will be really hard. The 10 people we had in there were all epic-ed out and we still could not do the speed run. So just be ready for ZA. The mobs and Bosses all hit like Prince in Phase 2 and the fights are about skill and paying attention. Most Kara stuff is tank and spank with some curves. ZA will kick your ass the 1st time unless you are in like...all T5 gear.

Good fun though. I must be good luck for our guild of something. 1st time in Kara with them, Mongoose drops.....1st time in ZA with them.. Executioner drops and neither had dropped previously. Go figure

the speed run is a entirely different thing than a normal ZA clearance.|||Get into HKM/Gruul

It's loads more T4 for the guild, after 2.4 it's 3 shoulders and 3 legs for an hours effort, once you have it down. It may take you 3 nights to get the co-ordination down for HKM (which if you are wiping on illhoof, spite and bane, is likely). Not poking, this is what it took my old guild. HKM/Gruul is also known as the 'Team Challenge', work together folks :D

Those folks that say 'but I want item X from kara' when they are more than half purpled out already are just in their comfort zone.

If you are doing kara 2 nights a week, or even 3, devote one of those nights to gruul. Or even a whole week or two of raiding until you get it down.

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