Saturday, April 21, 2012

Required Raiding Stats - Tier 1 Raids

Hi All,

I apologse if this topic has been covered already. What I am looking for is the minimum required raiding stats, per class, and within class an accepted talent spec (ie. Shadow Priest vs. Holy Priest etc.) for:

1) Entry to Karazhan

2) Mid->End Karazhan

3) Zul'Aman

4) Gruul's Lair

5) Magtheridon's Lair

If there is already a forum topic covering this question, could you be so kind to link it for me.

Thanks in advance.|||it's been covered, but...

For rogues they should start Kara with about 1300AP, 150hit, 20% crit. Combat spec or a trispec Hemo build - 11/2x/2x. They can get away with Mutilate if they really want.

I wouldn't worry about mid-late... they'll get drops that will improve them, but after a few runs they should be 1550+AP, 200+hit and roughly the same crit. This will work fine in Gruul too. I've not run Mags... I'd want a bit more AP and certainly more hit... 1650 and 250 or so.

If you can pull your weight in Gruul and Mag's you can do OK in ZA but you won't make the timed event runs. ZA is HARD for Kara geared raids... the tanks need a TON of hp (16k+) and DPS needs to be able to put out a lot of damage. It's not a run to do in blues.

As a reference I've got about 1750AP, 250ish hit and 22% crit in 3/5 T4 and Kara epics for the rest. I can mess with those numbers a bit depending on how I mix gear.

Have everyone look at the badge gear too... for rogues the boots and bracers are close to as good as you can get and the legs are very good too.|||for any class : good lvl 70 5 man instance blues should get you started in the not so hard fights in karazhan. Crafting profession epics are a welcome bonus, but not needed. So are heroic badge rewards, PvP epics etc.|||Yep, you can clear Karazhan from a starting point of lv 115 blues and rep epics (fully gemmed and enchanted) without too much bother. It's a nice solid place to start. Crafted gear works too, but isn't a must.. There's a load of nice pre-raid gear to get you started. Hell, some of the new heroic badge gear stacks up well to stuff from tier 5 instances :-)|||Thanks, I appreciate the replies.

What I am really looking for is numbers. I am a class and raid leader in my guild and I get a lot of people asking me if they are ready for a particular instance. What I am looking for is minimum numbers to tell them yes/no.


Gruul -> Warlock

Health = 8000?

Spell damage = 1000+

Spell hit = 16%

Spell crit = 25% (if destro spec)

etc.|||i think numbers are the wrong aproach.

Look at your people. If they put in some effort to get good gear they are ready to go. Best gems available / best enchants available / no green items / mix of quest rewards and 5 man instance blues.

It takes some time and some getting to know you rpeople. But you certainly did that, being a class leader and everything.|||I agree with twoflower, but it's hard to know about the classes which you're not familiar with.

Numbers are nice because they're clear, but the fact is that you can't really say "X" and if someone is shy of that by 2% exclude them... there will always be people who are close but not quite there by the numbers thought they'd do just fine in the run.

I'd use the level 70 instance/quest blues with appropriate gems/enchants as a guideline. It's not that they're blue, but rather that the 70 blues will end up giving you good starter Kara stats. If someone is in half greens... they're not ready. I know I wasn't. A green here or there, esp for some classes where there are greens almost as good as blues will be fine, but half greens in general will not be.

Gruul and beyond... no greens. You should be partially in epics and clothies should have the tailored items (PMC, Spellstrike, FSW, whatever is correct for their class/spec).

Tanks need to be at 490 defense.. they need to push crushing blows off the table.

Do NOT ignore gemming/enchanting. This is a huge indication of 2 things - whether someone cares enough to spend gold on them and whether they understand their class well enough get the right enchants.|||BTW

Tier 1 is L60 gear that drops in Molten Core

Tier 2 is L60 gear that drops in Blackwing Lair

Tier 3 is L60 gear that drops in Naxxramas

Tier 4 is L70 gear that drops in Karazhan, Gruul and Magtheridon|||In regard to gems. I mostly buy the green (not color) lvl'd gems for blues and epics. Should I only put blue (not color) and epic gems into epic items?


|madox|||Yes. These are EPIC items. Putting green gems in them simply says you don't care. More than gear stats, you can tell how much someone cares about improving by the gems and enchants they put on their gear. Putting 1g gems in an epic says that you're not serious... at which point a raid leader might say "why draft that person, they're not serious about being as good as they can - they even cheap out on gems?"

Gold is EASY to get and gems and enchants are an easy way to increase and customize the stats of your toon. Now, I hear what you're thinking, I thought it myself... the Blue version is only a point or so better and it's 15x more expensive. True... but over several sockets that becomes 5, 7 or 10 points more of a stats. And THAT is significant.

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