Hi there.
With my new healer I've noticed how much of a pain it is to quest compared to my warlock (duh).
So I wonder. Is it possible to level more or less entirely through instances?|||It's possible, yes, but it takes ages. You're better off questing, especially now that the new patch raised the xp given for completing quests.
An example: last week I got a boost through DM from a lvl 63 friend for my lvl 10 Priest. After running through it I had managed to go up 1 level. It didn't take that long to complete the instance, but it was still tedious. Imagine you have to run through it with a group of 5 of equal level.. you may get a bit more xp for the kills, but compared to the time you need to spend there it's next to nothing.
And as for questing, spec Shadow Priest. You can always respec to Holy later, if you want to focus on healing in groups or raids, but for solo Shadow really is the way to go.|||On the other hand, picking up every single quest for an instance, and then clearing it with help can provide a nice chunk of XP. If you're getting a higher-level friend to drag you through somewhere, try and make sure you have all the quests possible first, so you benefit as much as possible.|||if the char is only a twink who you dont play too often, instancing can be a good idea. if you want to be fast with leveling, questing is the way to go.
i play both my twinks in instances mostly, and it goes ok. lvl 48-49 took me two maraudon princess runs, for example. maybe 3 hours total. But i only play this twink if i have full resting bonus :)|||A guildmate of mine levelled from 10 to 70 in Holy spec. The majority of the levelling was done in, you guessed it, instances.|||good news... good news, thank you|||Once you hit the BC area, I suggest lvling in instances. It helps with rep and gear.
Then doing the quests at 70 for cash.
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