Thursday, April 19, 2012

High Astromancer Solarian!

Our scheduled raid fell apart last night when we were short a required class or two.

So we decided we would go have a look at solarian, none of us had ever downed her and the majority of the raid (23 people) had never even seen the boss.

5 attempts later she was down.

If you can do vr/lurker/gruul you should be doing this boss, she is not any tougher than those.

We didn't have a prot pally, a feral druid a ret pally or a boomkin. We did have an enhancement shaman but I think he was the only offspec in the raid.|||Gratz!


People in my guild have suggested it

But, in all reality... solarian only has a few good things... no teir. Not needed at the "moment" while we are in SSC

I think the *best* reason they can give me is "its easy" or "wowjutsu" which isnt convincing enough for me to schedule that.

I mean, take time away from our things in SSC for a wowjutsu kill? But other guilds are doing that on our server; goin after the easy pickin to post "down" on progression thread.

We'd also save *a lot* of time clearing trash if we downed Alar. So....|||It only takes us 20 minutes to get to alar, we arrived at solarian in just over an hour and that was with having 0 experience on pulling the trash in that room.

Its MUCH easier than void reaver trash. There are a lot of good drops from her, at least for us.

I guess there is no point to really go out of your way, other than have a morale boost if your wiping a lot on new content. Gear always helps kill new bosses.

However, you will have to kill her a lot while working on kael. I suggest it tho, and I even think you could kill VR then get to and down her within an hour of that. I think thats what we are going to try and do.

We get VR down in about 1.5 hours from raid start, I think we could add an hour and get her down as well.|||the encounter was nerfed so much, it is like geddon nowadays -.- she may be even easier than lurker, actualy. me = sad panda, the encounter was so niced before the nerf.|||Rgirty - you might wish to reconsider your opinion on an Enh shaman.

Their windfury totem and personal DPS makes them a very good addition to a stacked melee group. Granted, you could drop a Resto shaman there, but their totem effects would be less and they wouldn't be able to use totem beneficial to themselves or to other casters.

//edit: Note the *an* bit. I don't think stacking more than one would be worthwhile as there's not a lot of raids running with two full melee groups.|||Yeah Solarian is really easy. We killed her on the first night. We wiped twice because someone didn't install SolarianAlarm and didn't notice being the bomb, but besided that, it's really easy.

It was the last time we visited TK, because it was Vashj time :) In fact, it still is Vashj time :(|||Quote:

However, you will have to kill her a lot while working on kael. I suggest it tho, and I even think you could kill VR then get to and down her within an hour of that. I think thats what we are going to try and do.

We get VR down in about 1.5 hours from raid start, I think we could add an hour and get her down as well.

Well, we got lot of SSC content to down each week. Were gonna be doing FL now too... so 4 bosses in SSC, VR, mag, and gruuls lair. Weekends are 10 man stuff, and theres an off night in there somewhere.

Add in "whichevernewboss" to that.

I've been trying to drop GL's from the schedule but many won't let it go... still hoping for a caster blade.. or shield.. or the trinket =(|||We raid with an enhancement shaman all the time, no worries there.

yamaha, thats funny.. I just added a 2nd GL to our schedule.|||Quote:

//edit: Note the *an* bit. I don't think stacking more than one would be worthwhile as there's not a lot of raids running with two full melee groups.

We have 3 total, sometimes we take 2.

Some fights 4-5 tanks; between them, and the rogues, it is 2 melee groups or close to it. All depends.

Sometimes its 2 rogue / 2 shaman. Our enh shamans put out great DPS too. So its not hurting the composition to have more than one.|||We run two melee groups. We have 3-5 rogues for every raid.

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