My guild is not quite ready for raiding Karazhan. We have a lot of work to do yet, particularly with coordination and with our dps not being skilled or really geared enough for true progression.
However, there is a discussion on the table of farming the trash. This would include the three "spawnable" bosses, and primarily Attumen & Midnight, then working through any trash up to the other easily accessible bosses.
Our intention is for rep, for the 1 heroic badge and for any drops the trash might give.
Is this worth doing?|||Skip the animal boss.
Work on attunemen, clearing the ballroom and working on the maiden.
The maiden is much easier than moroes for most people, just need a paladin or two.|||Why should we skip the animal boss?
And we'll have a healadin and I'll be the maintankadin.|||Quote:
Why should we skip the animal boss?
The animal bosses loot is generally unusable by any class. While there is some rep to be gained, you'd be better off doing Heroic runs to train and gear your DPS and doing banquet hall trash for rep, rather than just grinding rep off of sub-par critters that require no skill and drop crap for loot.|||Actually...if youre just lookin for a shortcut to Maiden, traipsing through the Beast trash is come up the back side of the maiden's hallway. Just don't wipe, as teh beast trash respawns fairly quickly.|||Kill attunemen.
clear to maiden and kill her (item you need for the quest is along the way)
The basement is a royal pain. Mobs are invisible, often bugged LoS issues and packed in close down there it just isn't worth it.
If you do attunemen and clear to maiden and attempt her as much as possible you will get some trash epix and it shouldn't take you long to down attunemen and get to the maiden.
I'm not sure how effective TANKADIN's are since 2.3 but we tried one prior to 2.3 and our warrior or a bear was much more effective.
I really don't know since the patch. But since you are a tankadin the ballroom pulls should be easy.|||Quote:
My guild is not quite ready for raiding Karazhan. We have a lot of work to do yet, particularly with coordination and with our dps not being skilled or really geared enough for true progression.
Is this worth doing?
Added the bold but that is why I think it is worth doing. Practice will help you get better with coordination and skill and the gear won't hurt either.|||If you are having problems with dps being skilled start with showing them how to assist.
They also need to know WHO to assist, which should be the MT.
Sometimes the RL will call out targets in vent (by the marks over their head) this helps some people.|||Kara is not that much harder coordination-wise, than 5 mans. It's still basic "mark the targets, make sure people understand what the marks mean, everyone focuses on kill targets in the order specified, let the tank get aggro and don't pull it" stuff.
Now, you have to know the fights, but start with WoWwiki for that... If you don't know about that the Spectral Chargers in Attumen's trash fear, that Attumen himself spawns at 95% and needs to be tanked away from Midnight, etc, etc then you'll struggle. But if you know that stuff and are good at following marks, etc you should be OK.
The only other thing that will hold you back is if most or all of the raid is just nastily undergeared. DPS in all greens will NOT cut it... but most DPS can get in blues in a couple of weeks of questing and 5 mans, so that's not a big deal. Same with tanks and healers really, though questing can be harder for them so you might want to group up even for the solo quests just to get everyone doing them and build some team spirit.
In direct answer to your question.. no it's really not worth farming the animal trash and if you can't kill the Attumen trash before it respawns you shouldn't really be in there yet. Yes, there's rep... but rep flows easily if you raid it weekly and you'll be getting epics and the feeling of accomplishment vs "we're just dying to first boss trash all the time, screw this."|||Skip the animal bosses. Do them once so everyone is convinced they are a pain in teh butt.
Do attumen. It's awesome, when you go in there. makes you think about CC tanking etc. I've pretty much got the pulls memorised, and i've written below how I would do it with a totally new group. so here you go:
Mobs on the way to Attumen:
- Handlers will HEAL the horses. Kill them first
- Chargers - will CHARGE and then FEAR. CC them, save till last (easier if only one mob up when you are feared)
- using both tanks to tank is the quickest way, however CCing and having one mob up at a time is the safer way. Your call.
- Most important. mobs have a HIGH resist rate to crowd control. Shackles must be refreshed no less often than 10 seconds. Use a focus-shackle macro. it's superuseful - you WILL need that macro for moroes. Expect ice trap to break early. make sure tanks pick up ice-traps ASAP.
- ZERO DPS until the tank has 5000 threat on the threat meter. Tell em that you will call when to DPS. ANY SINGLE ONE OF THESE MOBS WILL WIPE YOUR RAID. Noob DPS will take some time realising this :D
- if you are fighting trash and an individual dies, they must release and run back in straight away. this can actually really help, especially if your priest-shackler cops it, they can be back in time to throw another shackle
2 tanks, 5 dps. 3 healers, incl at least 1 priest and 1 hunter for shackle and ice trap
01. Buff up in the lobby
02. Grab the horse on the right. bring him back to lobby. Let tank get 5k threat then nuke
03. Grab the two horses straight ahead. Watch out for patrol. Bring back to lobby. Shackle one. Or tank both.
04. Grab patrol. Kill the handler, shackle the horse. Bring them back to lobby
05. everyone can move into the stalls area.
06. Grab the two horses to the left. Wait for the pat to go away. Bring them back to start of stalls
07. Move forward a little. Grab handler, horse and maybe another handler. tab-target as it can be hard to see the 2nd handler
08. If you didnt pull the 2nd handler in (07), wait for him to walk over and grab him on his own.
09. take the two horses to the left, CC as you will or tank both
Now to the two harder pulls, a 4-pull and a 5-pull. Watch out for line-of-sight (Los) and range issues here, the tanks will tend to go through the archways and then be out of LoS for healing.
10. 4-pull - kill handlers first, CC the horses. tank on each handler, once a handler is dead get the first tank to pick up the ice-trap straight away
11. 3 handlers and two horses, one a charger.
- Shackle charger
- ice-trap the other horse
- your strongest tank will multi-tank here. get the hunter to MD 2nd handler to main-tank.
- Kill order is the MT 1st handler, OT 3rd handler, then MT 2nd handler
- The OT must pick up the ice-trap as soon as 3rd handler is dead and build threat while you are killing the 2nd handler
- what if an ice-trap resists? Answer - this is where it is nice to have a 2nd hunter or 2nd priest. otherwise, the hunter will have to sacrifice themselves and kite till a tank can pick it up. The best answer - allow the hunter trap cool down to wind up before the pull, so the hunter can immediately drop another trap if there is a resist.
BTW - tankadins - the way i do it these days, the tankadin tanks ALL of the mobs and we AoE them down or /assist
Plenty of attumen strats out there :D
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