i really am. last week i was trying to get a group together for SM, and finally found some guys willing to go. started off with three people, then added more. There was a warrior, a druid, a paladin, a hunter, and me, a warlock.
first thing's first, we had to meet at the meeting stone. two of us were there, and we summoned one from sw. good so far. hunter was running around tirisfal getting killed. happens i guess. he soon joins up and we try to get the paly summoned. worked after several tries. i guess pally wasnt paying attention. anyway... got everyone there.
we start off with the hardest, SM Cath, and proceeded into the courtyard, made our way up to the doors of the cathedral. nice. druid died twice from grabbing her own mob. most mobs come in sets of two or three, so she would offtank with a cat. not good. she would complain that paly wouldnt heal, since pally was designated healer. he was looking out for the tank. i thought druid should have helped the tank.
people afks. i pull, tank afks without telling anyone, druid tries to take aggro from me, pally stands around waiting to heal, hunter goes multishot and pulls aggro too. hunter almost dies three times but miraculously, we kill mobs before he dies. tank gets back, apologizes and we go for more mobs. paly barely heals. tank goes afk and then logs. we look for new tank. druid offtanks while we wait for new tank. druid dies. disconnects. we look for another person.
we find a warrior who has no shield. took me soulshard to summon but thats fine. took me three tries to get him summoned due to people not clicking on the portal i made. died several times by horde due to peole opening the door thinking we needed to go to summoning stone. anyway, we take another 10 minutes discussing how loot works since warrior wanted herod's shoulders, as does pally. mind you we're still in front of the cathedral doors. things respawn, we go kill, doors open, we take out some folks. pally keeps afking... gets kicked. we find shaman. go outside, summon. we go back in kill a few more. at this point i pulled groups from inside out to the grass. it works fine until most of the cathedral is cleared. then shaman, who seems to know everything, says we can fight mobs inside. i didnt want to, but we did anyway. mob starts to flee when low on health, aggro's boss, thus aggos whole cath. we wipe. hunter disconnects. after we rez'ed we did everything my way. no objections from knowitall shammy. good. we find mage, summoned him. we clear all rooms, however mage pulled too much aggro. priest didnt heal but instead kept killing things. shammy pulled aggro like a champ. tank was on dialup and cant react fast enough. still, we killed fairbanks. then kill mograin or whatever. we killed his girlfriend. on to armory.
things goes smoothly. shammy tells warrior to use shield. warrior wants insane dps so he tries to argue. we tell him we wont heal him unless he shields up. he does so reluctantly. he finally asks priest to heal him. priest agrees so he goes back to no shield+2hander. shammy sighs. i sigh. we kill everything slowly. things went smooth. herod dies and we kill his minions at the end. warrior doesnt get the shoulders he wanted and asks to do it all over again. im fed up. i decide to leave.
i hate pug's.
anyone else hate pug's??|||I don't hate pugs, they're a great way to l2p, especially for people who go way back and the only way to learn, was in fact pug. You see the good and the bad. You are forced to learn to cope with crap happening.
One learns how play in a group instead of being in one's own over powered guild run where all one needs to do is watch what everyone else is doing and follow.
And as for your run, I can't say I sympathize too much with you because, well, it reads to me like you were as responsible as the next person in making the run horrible.
There was no leadership in the party, and if you did not step up to try to take it to make things go better, you can't really complain about getting a
sh!tty pug.|||lol, this sounds almost EXACTLY like the SM run I went on with my priest alt...|||they get better with levels. some PUG's are good too. I once went on a ZF run back before TBC we had a warlock and a hunter pet tank healing shaman a rogue and me a mage. We did wickedly well with only 1 death (me on the tons of mobs on the stairs with my stupid aoe) we ended up running that thing 3 times and then doing a ST run all in 3 hours. we still do this every weekend on heroics minus the rogue because he quit and now with a random dps class. best PUG ever made|||i love pug's. we never fail. i had a 3 person run in slave pens 2 days ago, 64 rogue, 64 priest ( me ) and 65 shaman. the earth elemental tanked all the bosses. was a laugh.
if you start with a negative aproach, things will end up negative. which is a shame, since you will feel taht you were right. Start positive. stay positive.
( had to say this before moopy comes in here and starts his normal speech about how much PuG's suck. And yes, sometimes they do. sometimes. All the other times i am pleasantly surprised of how well a run can go. )|||earth elemental only lasts 2 minutes, and I dont think slave pens could take 2 mins could they?|||Quote:
earth elemental only lasts 2 minutes, and I dont think slave pens could take 2 mins could they?
You're assuming trash always needs proper 'tanking' when more often than not, all that is needed is coordination and knowing how to play.
That said, 3 manning SP at 64 64 65 still boggles my mind.
'if you start with a negative aproach, things will end up negative. which is a shame, since you will feel taht you were right. Start positive. stay positive.'
Exactly. And if things don't go right, take it upon yourself to make it right.|||What bugs me is when people "dc" after a wipe. It's like "people" expect things to be really easy these days, so whenever something doesn't go as planned, they bail. At the very least, say you'll leave, don't be a coward. There's also quite a bit of sudden; "I have to eat. Brb 15min" /afk. And "last try for me, my gear is red", after two deaths.
SM is particularly bad, as it takes forever to get there as alliance. Last run was on my shaman. The group leader is another shaman, and there was a paladin, and two rogues. So the group is now full, but nothing happens. I stay where I am, because I'm usually always at the stone, and this apathy annoys me. Finally it turns out noone wants to go summon. I suggest we roll for it. So we roll. The paladin is already on his way, and one of the rogues lose. He then has a lot of excuses about his hs, how others are better to go for various reasons. I end up going to save time, and we summon the rest. Once there, someone asks who will heal. So the group leader says that I will. Mind you, he's lower level than me, so from a dps perspective the group would be better off with him on healing, since the paladin is tanking. As he choses to spring this on me, I have no elixirs or gear with me, but I agree to do it (not that I'm given any choice). They now proceed to chain pull everything in the instance and things die. I drink every chance I can to fill my little mana pool, but there is little focus fire, and they all take damage and run out of los. Then when I'm oom, they decide to pull and the paladin dies. The paladin says, "wtf", and the rogue starts to blame me. I tell him to shut his trap and explain to them, I had no mana, so they say I should ask for a break. I tell them, no, they should pay a little attention. The rogue tells me, I'm rude. I tell them gl, and leave the group. The rogue whispers me to have fun...
I like PUGs, and I do it a lot. The only thing that will make me leave a group is a bad attitude and harsh language, or, on a rare occasion, if I really believe we are unable to kill the boss after many tries. It seems to me OP tried to make it work, but you really have to want it and spend a lot of time, because a lot of players don't know how to do an instance, run in there, and try to solo play. Luckily, the majority of people, I meet, are pleasant enough to play with, and I believe that refusing to PUG is to miss out:)|||I only join pugs with toons that I am levelling/gearing up. This means sub-kara gear, so they're cheap to repair and wipes bother me less. I don't pug with my "grown-up" characters, as the gear just costs too darn much to repair. Because I stand to lose very little even if there's epic wiping, it makes things a lot more fun, and the occasional disaster is actually hilarious.|||PUG's start to get bad once most people only use guilds for instances. When TBC was new, everyone had to pug and it was fine. Now most people who pug have hardly any experience with group mechanics, so it's horrible. I've had a warrior and a paladin fighting for aggro with big 2handers at the start of (normal) Ramparts. My priest watched it a little and quickly ran out.
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