Could anyone comment on the relative difficulty of Doomwalker and Doom Lord Kazzak? How do they compare in difficulty to Gruul, Mag, and bosses in SSC/The Eye?|||doomwalker is at most gruul level. kazzak aint muhc harder either. their loot isnt above T4 level either, that s why noone on my server even does them any more.|||Neither of them are that hard doing a bit of raid damage and needing fair amounts of dps but nothing you couldnt do if you had decent t4 gear. They both have some slight upgrades to t4 and one or two stand out items
Gold-Leaf Wildboots off Kazzak are very good
Still the leather boots with the most potential +healing at Black Temple / Hyjal level. Makes me regret not killing Kazzak more times
though some prefer Orca-Hide Boots from Leotheras. (better stats less + healing)
Barrel-Blade Longrifle from doomwalker is supposed to be very good for BM hunters because of its speed, I'm no BM expert but thats what I've been told by our bm hunters :O|||The Ilevel is lower than Gruul, but nearly all the items have a very well spent budget. I recommend doing them if there's any interest. We gave it up because we didn't have enough people outside raid time and didn't want to do them over progressing, but that's up to you. Well worth doing for the loot if you are doing tier 4/starting on tier 5 imo.
And yes, the gun is godly for BM ^^
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