Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gluth 10 man

[:1]I am the GM of a small raiding guild currently clearing all of naxx thru construct. We just recently took down grobbulus but were hesitant to try Gluth because we were without a mage or hunter. I've been reading thru strats on a few websites but almost all mention the use of a frost mage or a hunter to kite the zombies. We have both in guild but both can be a bit flakey.

Has anyone successfully done this with another class as the primary kiter?

I've read about a shaman doing it but I can't really imagine being able to do it (I'm a resto shaman) with just earthbind and frost shock if 5-10 zombies are running at me constantly with the fairly long CD on earthbind. Just want to know if anyone has another strategy available. We have two locks who could use fear possibly I guess....

Thank you for any advice.|||Oh we've kited them with a DK and warrior tanking them trading taunts. They need heals more than a kiter who doesn't get hit, but if you can do that you're OK|||Paladins of all specs also work well. Just make sure that whichever class you pick for it, your hunters are laying frost traps and shammies are earth binding to help out.|||Minor run speed from meta, enchant or even PvP boots can help a bit. If you have more shamans try to spread the EBs a a bit. If things get out of hand you can have more dps join the kiting as you go. It's not really that hard compared to the rest of the fights, so don't be afraid of trying.|||we have only been able to do it with a ret pally kiting and a mage and hunter helping out with frost nova and traps, when we use the hunter she seems to end up getting caught and getting one hit. More practice i guess, we seem to have the most trouble on this fight more than any other in Naxx|||I've done it a few times as hunter with shammy using earthbind totem to slow them down... it's not horribly hard, but gives me a bit of a headache x)

But last weekend I was tanking on my druid... and we had the melee group from hell. 4 Pallies of all specs, warriors + rogues.. and only 1 ranged nuker.

What worked for us in the end, was having me tanking boss, with the prot pally offtank & dps warrior taking turns at kiting them by just spamming taunts & keeping shields up.

After every add kill phase, they'd swap position as offtank on the boss (with me tanking untill their debuff cleared off).|||We've used the DK (or pally) + Shaman combo pretty successfully. The "kiter" will need heals because they will start to stack the debuff. (We have an elemental shaman, who can handle the healing fine until the decimate, when a healer repositions to make sure the DK gets healed back up.

Edit: In 25 man, we've used warriors as well, so that should work if you don't have the DK or pally.|||Having a plate DPS bring some tank gear for kiting really helps in this fight,

Make sure your Holy Pallies keep their "Holy Wrath " Cd for decimate makes it really easy to AOE the adds down.

We had a great group last night and didnt raise a sweat.

Ret pally in Tank gear to Kite

Holy pally healing Kiter and saving "holy wrath" for Decimate

Hunter dropping frost trap on adds and DPSing boss

Shaman DPSing Boss but dropping Earthbind totem on adds

Mage DPSing Boss but throwing in a Frost nova on adds when needed.|||You can have any spec dk, pally, shammy, or hunter kite it. Even my resto druid does it sometimes.

If your kiting though you need a hunter or shaman for totems/trap.

If you kite right you should hardly get hit. Though if you don't have a good kiter any plate class should easily be able to do it.|||If your raid, like ours, has an unhealthy amount of Death Knights, you can just tell one of them to tank all zombies for the entire fight. Even with 99 stacks, the damage can be easily outhealed (don't try this in 25-man version, though).

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