[:1]The question in the title is something I've been pondering on since, after some extensive breaks and various other reasons, I finally got my first character to 80 not so many days ago.
The thing is, at the moment I feel I have little to no idea of where I stand in terms of where to go next. As such, I've been looking through a couple of guilds. The first one seemed like nothing more than a bunch of people doing quick HC-farming with each other's help. That's fine by me, but as it turns out, there were about as many people being invited as there were people going /gquit, until the GM and his sole officer both quit and the whole thing seemed to fall apart for good. I only managed to stick around that one for some three days, though, so no big deal. Just something to mention as a comparison point to the next.
I found myself in another guild after a bit of searching. I was invited by the GM himself after expressly stating that I'm pretty much a fresh 80, and I'm looking forward to something that helps me reasonably soon and not after three weeks of solo farming and listening to the top dogs on vent, doing some raids that I'm apparently nowhere near for the time being.
I'll give you two guesses on how it turned out very soon after that - and you don't even need the second try. Just to further the low hopes I began to have, I read them doing some raid invites on the guild chat the other night, because someone who had signed up apparently failed to show up, and some people who seemed to have pretty high stats compared to mine were getting told to "get better for next week", or something of the like.
Now of course it's relevant for you to know what I'm wearing, then. First off, I am a feral druid who's not looking to tank things due to past experiences.
I'm reluctant to post a direct armory because of a slight fear of getting the whole thread trailed off to discussing about how I should replace a particular trinket with a rep reward I never heard of or something. (no offense, but I've seen it before around here).
Let it just be said that I quickly counted my average Ilevel around 208, give or take three or two points. Pretty much everything is HC blues or better, with three emblem rewards and two or three ToC5 epics. Haven't had the nerve to invest in much enchantments and extra bits yet, besides a load of blue quality gems to fill the slots with something reasonably useful, due to not exactly having the greatest server economy out there.
Now the question is, since them lower-end guilds don't seem to attract enough people to hold themselves together, is my current one the right place for me, or is their speed already unreachable for me and I'm just wasting my time hoping to see something above a 5-man with them? Is there some massive farming period in the current endgame that I'm stuck in at the moment, or are they expecting me to pull some magic trick that I don't know of?
Because as it seems at the moment, the massive random heroic farming seems to be all that's available to me for a pretty good while, even if I've been doing it for a decent bit already.
Kinda feels like they're already permanently past some middle-phase that I didn't get to yet, and "charity runs" to skip me over to their level doesn't seem like an option, nor would I like the idea anyway.
So the big question is, am I in the right crew and I'm just missing something (or maybe really do need to just farm every single thing available with Emblems of Triumph), or am I stuck with a bunch of higher level folks, or possibly the kind of elitists who like their deadmines runs smooth and easy, in record times?|||If you want to raid, and your current guild is not going to ever/in the foreseeable future be up to it, then you should look for another. Likewise, if the guild you are in is head and shoulders above your level and showing a distinct lack of interest in making you a useful member of their raiding group, it's time to look for another. Don't have to make the leap tonight. Check out your official realm's progression lists and guild recruitment. Get a feel of who's where, and doing what. Pay attention to random chat, be aware of changes in guild status. A dissolving guild will often spin off three or four smaller guilds as the people within it sort out their allegances. These are often great opportunities for fresh players when they try to fill their losses and go raid again. Group with people FROM YOUR SERVER in instances, dailies, etc, and do some honest networking.
Leaving a guild is not easy. But if they're not at the point you need them to be, then politely make your exit from them. (Assuming, of course, you are not so livid at your gm that you're seeing red, log on without a howdoyoudo and /gquit in a heartbeat. Then all polite bets are off.)|||I guess I have 2 questions to start with:
(1) Do you like being in this guild, raiding issues aside?
(2) What raid instances are they running and are they doing 10 or 25 mans?|||Quote:
(1) Do you like being in this guild, raiding issues aside?
While the people seem friendly and all, there's nobody in particular that I know, or any other such ties to the guild at this time. You might say it's nothing special one way or the other.
(2) What raid instances are they running and are they doing 10 or 25 mans?
The calendar seems to be dominated by Uld10 and Icc10 for the moment. I went ahead and asked a knowledgeable person in the guild what are the odds that I'll get to see something like Naxx10 and was told it can be arranged in a week, but the way he said it gave me the impression it wasn't otherwise going to be in his schedule at all.
I've also taken the time to look into some of this gearscore stuff that seems to be used in this guild too, and what they are asking from people signing up to the former two raids seems to be well above me, and I'm getting a pretty solid feeling that I'm barely going to reach that even if I do stick to the HC farm until I have just about everything that's useful from there.|||From what i have learned in the few days since i reactivated my account is that naxx ( T8 ) is totaly out. Ulduar ( t9 ? ) is out too. People only do T10 raids.
You can get to T9 quality gear with running heroics, so people expect you to do that and only think about inviting you once you have the gear required from heroic badges and drops.
Of course it depends heavily on the mentaliy of your guildies. But you are definitly not gonna run ICC with unenchanted blue items.
As for your question : You need to know what you want. Do you realy want to raid with all that includes ? ( farming, gearing up, showing up relieably on several days a week for raids etc... ) Do you just want a friendly chat with your guild while doing some dailies ? This is the first question you have to ask yourself.|||In my opinion mate I would go ahead and farm emblems like crazy.
You are at the unfortunate point in which all raid guilds want to go and do icc10 and 25 which requires around the full Tier 9 (toc10 equiv).
If you farm the HCs and get to know these people better and once you have 232+ in most item sockets you will be more then capable of joining their ICC raids buddy.
Within that time you may be able to schedule some random raids (naxx, uld and toc) to experience some great boss battles.|||For what it's worth, the last two posts clear up the scene pretty well for me, even if it's not that pleasant to hear. My thanks for that.
Things are starting to turn up as they always did for me in the past WoW versions, which is me being late to the party and missing out on the bit I myself consider essential, being a slight lore junkie and all.
To top it off, after some further experience and examination, the guild seems like a very bloated bunch of farmers and a core group of raiders who don't seem like they want to keep their elite group small rather than pick up new people to join them. So the general idea I'm getting is that I'm a lone farmer with not that much of a purpose or benefit for being around, with very little chance of making it to that active bunch due to a combination of starting lower and not really having anything special to offer even when I get the numbers to match up. The latter being the result of my reluctancy to give up my preferred spec for healing or tanking.|||Quote:
Things are starting to turn up as they always did for me in the past WoW versions, which is me being late to the party and missing out on the bit I myself consider essential, being a slight lore junkie and all.
Which bit ? If it is raiding, you have every chance to get into raiding within a short time. As i said :
You can get to T9 quality gear with running heroics, so people expect you to do that and only think about inviting you once you have the gear required from heroic badges and drops.
Depending on how much time you invest, you can get a full set in a week and be raid ready then. This would be a hrad working week, though ^^|||There is alot of gear to be had in the 3 new 5 mans. Run them at both heroic and regular and in no time you should be able to raise your average item level somewhere between 219 and 232. This will get you invited into toc and icc.
Another thing to consider is naxx, ony, and uld are easily pugable. Naxx pugs are hard to find, although if you do find one it is really quick. None of the drops are going to upgrade your gear though.|||As others have said, you can easily get gear from heroics that will put you into a position to run any of the normal mode 10 mans in the game. Naxx 10 isn't really all that valuable these days other than for badges. (And heroics are an easier source of these with the LFD tool.) You aren't going to find any Naxx guilds because there is no real point in running Naxx.
I'm a bit concerned that your guild is using gearscore to determine raid spots. That's not a sign of a strong and well informed leadership. (Gearscore is supposed to be a way to quickly evaluate people for pug raids, and I don't like it for this either, but it makes a bit more sense than using it for a guild run.)
Only you can decide if you are happy in your guild or not, however, the "gear" issue is going to be a part of any guild you are in if you want to do raiding. I get the impression you may be looking for a training guild of sorts that focuses on helping new players learn to raid. I've seen some people propose things like this, but I suspect actually finding such a guild would be very difficult. You are probably going to have to do a lot of learning on your own, and I'd focus on that instead of worrying about if you are in the right guild. If you aren't unhappy in your guild now, there isn't any reason to leave. I very much doubt you will find a better raiding situation for you elsewhere. It sounds like you need to work on your character a bit, and then decide if the raiding situation in your guild works for you.
Its ridiculously easy to gear up now (my mage was doing ICC 25 alt runs within a couple weeks of hitting 80.) It sounds like you may need a bit of help getting raid ready given that this is your first 80. I'd suggest heading over to the druid forum and posting your armory as well as your dps rotation and ask for suggestions on how to improve yourself. I'd also start looking for some online sources about feral druid dps. Again, you can probably get some pointers in the druid forum.
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