Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So we visit this guy for the first time yesterday. Some remarks.

Say I am tanking. I get disorientated, and let the next tank take over. I move behind / side of gurtogg. He gets disorientated. Gurtogg will run off and kill a random raid member , a lot of times a healer, then come back to the tanks. Why? That healer was no where NEAR me on the omen, and I was standing right next to him? My only guess is some small mechanic where im not on his 'list' because I got disorientated, and I had not hit him again to make him aware I am there. Like the old fear mechanics before they changed it so you dont lose agro.

If we lose a random raid member, for -whatever- reason, now theres only 4 in one of the groups and some random person (farthest...) gets a second bloodboil on them because of it. And they often die, thus furthering the problem >.<

How about positioning... we are tanking at one waterfall (which is nice, because it doesnt mess with the camera too much tanking him) and taking bloodboils at the opposite waterfall.

The problems this makes, 1. theres almost guaranteed at least 2 people are gonna be close to eachother, and if geyser happens over there, we lose someone. 2. Were playing musical chairs big time, and groups are constantly running around to the fall, then back.... and almost no ones spread out because their moving as a group.

Anyone just tank him where he stands? and the raid makes a half circle around... groups would just "back up" away from him when its there turn? Granted this means people need to gage whether or not they are 'farthest away' and they dont have an easy object to guide them like "be at waterfall" but we could spread out much, MUCH easier this way and people wont be running around back n forth to waterfall then groups. I havnt seen any strat or vid like that though >.<

<---- 3 B 5------>


probably the most challenging part, is healing BB's and tanks while healing the fel enrage target and not losing anyone, but I think thats the whole "design intent" and challenge of the fight

... zomg forum back up! >.<|||Quote:

Anyone just tank him where he stands? and the raid makes a half circle around... groups would just "back up" away from him when its there turn? Granted this means people need to gage whether or not they are 'farthest away' and they dont have an easy object to guide them like "be at waterfall" but we could spread out much, MUCH easier this way and people wont be running around back n forth to waterfall then groups. I havnt seen any strat or vid like that though >.<

no, people aren't smart enough to take bloodboils like that, heck, they have trouble doing it as is

and if 2 tanks get disoriented shouldn't it go to the 3rd tank? how are misdirects being coordinated?|||The disorient works like the old fear as far as I can tell. We use 3 tanks on him and give them a headstart with nearly no dps in P1. BoP also works well if you need to force a tankswitch.

Sounds like you're doing BB the same way as us with one group standing still and the other two groups running behind them when it's their turn. We also have issues with several people getting the geysir, but it should be healable without losing anyone really. I'd rather have some extra damage from geysir than getting double bloodboil. Every now and again he does one extra BB before fel rage and that's a real killer if everyone is spread out. I'm still trying to figure out a better strategy here.

People will often have fel acid ticking after the fel rage is over meaning they still take significant damage. Fel rage also lasts slightly longer than pain supression and evasion.. Non-melee classes should not melee if thet get fel rage to avoid parry. The group with fresh BB when fel rage comes needs to have a pot/stone up or iceblock etc. This is probably one of the hardest healing assignments.|||Quote:

no, people aren't smart enough to take bloodboils like that, heck, they have trouble doing it as is

Well on paper doesnt sound hard

Your group number is called out

you back way up and get your bloodboil

then step back in


Your group number is called out

You go to the waterfall and get your bloodboil

then step back in

The different is, in the first method we'd have a lot more room to spread out around em... right? hum. Standing between two waterfalls? theres almost no where to "spread out" and people go to the sides a little too much and get a double bloodboil dot since there farther than the waterfall. Then geyser hits and alot of clumped players because were all squeezed between two falls, and trying not to drift at the sides.


and if 2 tanks get disoriented shouldn't it go to the 3rd tank? how are misdirects being coordinated?

THATS what you would think, but for some reason occasionally he goes and kills a healer or something then comes back to the tank, when they are WORLDS below us on the omen.


Sometimes when he does his fel rage, he targets a random person, kills them. Then targets someone, DBM calls out there name, and gives them the fel rage buff and begins PH2. He "pot shots" a random person like that; it screws us|||in my guild we do it approx like this:

3 tanks top of threat at all times, nobody should surpass them. only soft dps on first phase (wand/autoattack) at most.

We tank him in the slope to the previous room. tanks at lower/middle "right wall" (if you're staring down the slope at the boss), and the raid stands bunched up on the left side, at the line that runs down the floor down the slope.

Group 3-4-5 rotate 5 bloodboils: 3 4 5 3 4, at the last boil group 4 moves to top of slope while group 3 moves slightly downwards away from group 5 to prepare for Fel Rage. if someone dies for any reason, ppl in group 2 should be ready to jump in to fill spot in boil group.

Fel Rage: FR target stay in place and defend/heal/survive at all cost, everybody else move away from front to avoid triggering cleaves. pewpew/heal untill timer runs out.

squishy casters (tree druids + mages) might want to put on some sta/pvp gear for the fight, they're always the ones who die on the fel rage ;)

YG: when he enters P2 for us, he turns towards that person, forgot if he nukes him, before charging the target & knocking everybody near away (for some x dmg I forgot). you have a sec anyway to panic & run away from whoever is targetted, and you should ;)|||Little tip on the acid stuff. If he targets melee that's at the back of him, you get a skull above your head. You ahve a bit of time, when he is castig the spree, to run to the side and take the spree without hitting either tanks or rest of melee, you'll avoid alot of raid healing that way.

Second tip, if you have a pally tank, let him run in first, soak up a bunch of debuffs (him being hit first will allow him to build up aggro too) and bubble out of it. We MD on second and third tank but never have to MD our pally tank when he goes in first.

third tip, make sure your rogue doesn't get cute and try and pickpocket BB with vanish on cd. *blush*|||You can reset BB.

And if people die from the Acid ticks you either need to sort out your positioning or your healing.

There is no way a Resto druid should go down either during Fel Rage. You get a massive increase in healing done - just Barkskin + heal yourself.

Mages are the single hardest class to keep up. If they gear a bit funky they might get lucky (Wildfury Greatstaff, Charm of Alacrity, Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch), otherwise you'll just need to pray their (Frost armour - the one that slows the attacker down) is enough together with spammed heals and dunked Health Pot + Healthstone. Tell 'em not to use Mana Gems to keep the cooldown available for when they get Fel Rage.|||Code:
BB T <---- ramp down to BB

================= <----- gutter line

see if I can explain our strat without making it too confusing. We tank him with 2 prot warriors and a bear.

We stage on the ramp heading down. As you're looking down, the healers and bloodboil groups stage on the left as you're looking down. Tanks on the right.

Our bloodboil groups are:

Group 1 (just assigned people, they are not put into raid group this way)

3 locks

2 pally's

Group 2


2 resto druids

2 resto shammy

Group 3

3 mages

anyone else who handle it (usually not priests)

Group 1 will takes the first 2 bloodboils and the last one, group 2 will take the third bloodboil, group 3 will take the fourth.

We MD to the first tank and he's responsible for keeping track of the debuffs on all tanks and calling taunts. As stated above, BoP if taunt fails.

We do very little dps on p1, some folks like to wand, most of the mages will AB.. we just try and give the tanks a little breathing room.

The way we do bloodboils is.. back where the groups and healers are standing there is a little gutter marked with a line that runs down the ramp. All those groups whose turn it is to take a bloodboil step behind the line (towards the wall). All those who are not taking it, stay in front of the line. It works pretty effectively because it such little movement that needs to be done. After the 4th bloodboil we spread out both up ramp and down ramp from our positions to avoid fel acid damaging multiple players. If people are paying attention during this, they can avoid going so far as to take that 5th bloodboil. Just a matter of people knowing where and where not to be.

During fel rage.. mages are the biggest problem usually. They need to use ice armor, mana shield, health stones, pots, as much as possible. Healers need to be aware of this fel rage transition and all focus on the fel rage person. If a healer still has a bloodboil group to heal up during this phase, they need to be tossing heals to the fel rage person and shifting to their bloodboil group as well.|||the acid stuff, sorta forgot about it (I'm just a dumb dps :p

but I think our tanks try to keep him facing from the raid (towards the wall) to avoid him spewing at the raid.

and resetting can be done by running back up through the previous room and up the ramp there into the corridor. healers, please don't forget to keep healing bloodboiled people who ran up to reset him (since they will be target for boilspam)... and rez them if they die there ;p|||Hmm.

Well I was trying to get away from "Tank at this waterfall, bloodboils at that waterfall". Because what happens is, people try to spread out between them at the sides, and accidently end up father from BB than "this waterfall" and get an extra DoT. See?

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