A little background. My guild was on their 4th ever Kara run. We don't have anyone that's been involved with leading kara runs before, and almost noone that's even run Kara, so it's been a massive learning experience every time. Attumen and Curator are the only bosses we've downed on the first run that we tried them. We read up on the boss fights, but its easier to apply the knowledge after we've seen the fight ourselves.
Well, this weekend, we hit Opera, and got Big Bad Wolf for the first time. Some of our people got used to being Little Red Riding Gnome pretty fast (which is to say that they'd survive a bit over half the time), and other people just didn't. We had one rogue we all felt sorry for, EVERY time she got the debuff, it was while she was standing around stunned. Some people died every time they got the debuff due to lack of practice. We still managed to consistently get BBW down under 20%, but 7% was our best.
Well, on our.. seventh(?) try, things started off bad. Soulstones and combat rez were all on cooldown from the previous attempt. Lost the first three LLRGs (all DPSers), then started having them survive. Lost a healer, another DPSer, and a tank. We're at two healers, a tank, and a DPSer, and BBW is under 5%. 2%. Vent is going crazy. And then we lose the tank to a LLRG call. The DPSer didn't last long. Vent takes a "well, we almost had it, we'll get it next time" tone. As a holy priest, I knew I was about to die since I was now top of the threat list. Managed to refresh SW:Pain and get off SW:Death before death. No, SW:Death didn't kill him, I'm not sure if it was the SW:D or BBW that killed my priest.
But I got a screenshot of the holy paladin, standing over the corpse of BBW, surrounded by a handful of corpses of the rest of the raid.|||Grats on the kill, I had a similar experience recently.
My first time in Kara on my holy priest, we wiped on nightbane twice and on this try we were doing much better. We had him down to 15% or so when the druid tank suddenly pops out of bear form and starts casting wrath. He'd misclicked or something.
So he died, but nightbane is still taking damage. However, he is running around very fast killing the raid. Quite quickly he starts taking less and less damage, but ends up on about 10k hp. I was the only one left alive and trying to mind blast him to finish him off.
He would have killed me I think, but a shammy popped an ankh and finished him off with lightning bolt :D|||From the other side of the looking glass, I actually felt challenged in Kara for the first time in ages when, on a badge run, our guild group pulled the Curator while still going through trash in his hallway. We still managed to kill him but it was the closest we'd come to wiping for a looooong time.|||Crazy boss kill:
Heroic Shattered Halls. Ogre boss. He goes nuts on us & smashes up the group, while we desperately try to dps him, and in the end, only the pally tank is left standing alive... with boss at 18% health... pally at 15%... with barely 3 digit number left in mana...
and a minute later the boss dies.
Pally swears he's never seen such a ridiculous amount of blocks & parries and somehow he was able to kill him.
Heroic moment indeed ^-^|||Hehe I once tanked Nethermancer Sepethrea in heroic mech to death from about ~8% when the rest of the group died... Used pot, health stone, last stand and shield wall to stay alive but got her down when I was at <1k health. I felt epic!|||I once ankhed up, earth shocked, and killed the bat boss in ZG - nobody else was alive.
Doing the bat boss with no mages really did suck back in tier1 and blues.|||Coilfang, we are on Quagmirran. This is really early on, not even heroic, but most of us still in greens/blues
Quagmirrans health is dropping, so are people to the poison spray.
Tank goes down, healer goes down.
All thats left is a hunter. He fires an arcane shot, which crosses mid-air with a poison bolt. The bolt killed the hunter... but the hunter killed quagmirran
their bodies hit the floor at the same time, and nothing in the room was left alive.|||about 9 months ago in the dark portal on wave 17 the priest took loads of adds couldnt heal me and i died tanking rift lord then all group died as the priest killed him with a shared killing blow. the priest used ss and the ressed us as the final boss was attacking medivh i tanked boss at 3% of shield and we cleared the place.
or it was the raid wiping on HKM apart from a hunter and holy pala when he was 7% and the hunter was oom, im not sure how the hell we did it but 1 hunter managed the last 7%|||My old guild's first Kara run, we didn't know jack. Our first effort on Attumen, nobody knew how to position themselves. Most died from charges, as a result. We had only a pally tank and two priests up for the last 30% of the boss. It took 20 minutes to finish him from there. Can you imagine?|||One of our first Moroes kills happened 11 seconds before the server shutdown.
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