I'm speccing Resto for the first time with my little Druid and I want to practice a bit of healing. As I hit level 14 and got some Int and Spirit gear I started looking for a group for Ragefire Chasm. In earlier days, I never had a problem finding a group for that instance. It was like Deadmines for Alliance.
On the server I play on now, I have been trying for four days now. LFG tool is empty for RFC and whenever I ask in general chat in Orgrimmar, I almost hear the tumbleweeds rolling by... Tonight was the same. Utter silence. But then, low and behold, a level 50-something said on general "I'm heading into RFC, anyone want a boost while I'm there?" and at least five people reacted.
Everyone just wants to get boosted there. I mean, there are some nice lowbie greens to be found, but apart from that, the loot isn't really worth it. RFC is a wonderful instance to practice your spec at lower level, before it really even starts to matter.
I haven't succeeded going into the instance with a normal party for like a whole week. Is it just coincidence or is it always like that? I'm about to give up and hope for the best for WC...|||Personally, I pretty much skip all low level instances and just quest my way through leveling. For me, there's no reason to be running low level instances since the quests level you so fast and any equipment you get will be out dated fairly rapidly.|||Most people on my server skip rfc. Although I'm a horde mainliner, I've never actually done the instance for real. (running my 70 thru it for disenchantable items for my alts has been it). My personal problem was that, as a tauren, by the time I meandered in out of the barrens wasteland, I was well above getting anything from the place. I see lots who want to be taken thru it, but no real serious groups gathering for it.|||Quote:
I'm speccing Resto for the first time with my little Druid and I want to practice a bit of healing. As I hit level 14 and got some Int and Spirit gear I started looking for a group for Ragefire Chasm. In earlier days, I never had a problem finding a group for that instance. It was like Deadmines for Alliance.
Everyone just wants to get boosted there. I mean, there are some nice lowbie greens to be found, but apart from that, the loot isn't really worth it. RFC is a wonderful instance to practice your spec at lower level, before it really even starts to matter.
I haven't succeeded going into the instance with a normal party for like a whole week. Is it just coincidence or is it always like that? I'm about to give up and hope for the best for WC...
IMO the problem is that it is such a low lvl instance ( it is designed for lvl 10-12, isnt it ? ) that you run into quite alot problems just because the low lvl.
- you cannot realy spec into anything yet because you dont have many talent points.
- you cant realy test specs cause you dont have specs yet.
- Even if 10 people a day go trough lvl 10-12, it takes so little time that the chances of 5 of them playing at the same time are small.
- the drops are terrible, therefore...
- you only go there to finish some quests.
Most important, it looks like Molten core. *shudder*
I did the instance once on my horde twink, and only to get the damn quests out of my quest logs. the green items i got from leveling to 13 were better than anything that dropped in there.|||they do it everyday with a high level helping them through.
i personally run people through it for the loot and the quests. i never level them through there though, as i believe everyone should learn to play their class well. but some of the drops help them in lower levels and they get their quests completed. that's really all RFC is for most people anyway. the loot gets replaced in several quick levels.|||I honestly don't see the point in any instances being under level 20 now-a-days unless they drop at least ONE great (Equal to about 8 levels higher green) blue for DPS, healing, and tanking. I mean, obviously the same should apply to each instance IMO...|||Well, then I disagree apparently with most that has been said here. The boss drops are crap but there are a lot of level 13-14 greens to be had. Nothing that you can't get cheaply from the AH though, but that is exactly why I wonder why everyone gets boosted in there. It's not a loot instance, in my opinion, it's a practice instance.
I for one find it fun to be able to do an instance at such a low level. And granted, you can't test specs, but you can test playstyle. I was finally lucky last night to get a run (about an hour after posting this :p) and now I know perfectly where my healing buttons are and how well every healing skill does in a certain situation. That's exactly why I wanted to do the instance in the first place. BTW, Twoflower, it's more like 13-18, and yesterday we had a level 20 and he dinged in there. 10-12 is too low to be able to complete.
But hey, gauging from the reactions here, at least I understand now why the LFG tool for this instance is always empty.|||I ran it about a year ago when I was working on making a priest and I think the initial exchange between me and the group leader sums up why RFC is pointless as practice:
PL: Are you specced to heal.
Me: As specced as you can be with 3 talent points.
I didn't have improved spirit tap maxxed out even.|||Talent points don't matter at that level, I already agreed to that. Like I said, you can't test talent specs in RFC, but you can test playstyle.
And besides, what about fun? I love the fact that you can run an instance at such a low level, but too many people seem to see instances as pure work to get either loot or experience.|||Quote:
what about fun? I love the fact that you can run an instance at such a low level, but too many people seem to see instances as pure work to get either loot or experience.
i agree on that point :)
but it seems that most people just want to rush trough leveling nowadays. Specialy if it is not their first char.
And people who play their first char probably dont even know what a instance is by that level.
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