Saturday, April 14, 2012

Favorite boss battle in WoW

[:1]What boss battle in instances did you find the most fun and/or memorable?

My favorites would be:

C'Thun: Highly enjoyale battle despite its difficulty, dodging the eye beams and then in phase 2 going to his stomach. It's a shame hardly anyone goes to AQ40 anymore.

Ragnaros: "You have failed me, Executus! Justice shall be met, indeed!"

Murmur: Funny sounds during the fight

Malygos: I like the whole concept of the magic war against him, and the flying dragon phase is fun.|||Moam senses your fear.|||Has to be C'thun. Man that was epic.

On a more specific note, it has to be my guild's first kill of Ebonroc. Our tanks realy didnt have any concept of a taunt rotation back then. They kept missing the debuff, and Ebonroc healed and healed and healed again and again. After 20 Minutes, we had him under 50% for the first time. After 21 Minutes, he was back at 100 %. The entire fight took over 45 Minutes. I was oom at least half of that time. Luckily we braught tons of healers back then ^^|||Quote:

Moam senses your fear.

Great, one mysterious quote and I squander several hours on reading wowwiki again. Thanks a lot!|||The stairway encounter in Zul'Farrak.

In terms of raids... Razorgore, Reliquary of Souls and for some sadistic reason Gorefiend.|||The second to last boss in Magister's Terrace. I still think that was an awesome idea.|||Teron Gorefiend. When I got that one down, I felt truly competent.

For simple !!!!!, Archimonde and Prince Malchezzar, for the same reasons. You expect these giant Eredar Lords to lumber along, and well...damn... they're nimble little cusses, ain't they?|||As far as five mans go, has to be Princess Theradas. Mara was an awesome instance anyway, but the final boss of the instance was freaking awesome. And hilarious. She' Oh, and FARTS!

From a nostalgia standpoint, that's probably my favorite one (even though I ran that instance like crazy back in the day). Raid content? I missed out on pretty much all of TBC and most of vanilla. Still, I think Vael is one of the most fun and interesting fights out there (and groups of 80s still have trouble doing it!)

As for from Wrath? Probably anub'arak just because it takes skill. I don't have a particular favorite from naxx because I haven't run it that much, but I do actually enjoy the Vault fight.|||For me: Shade of Aran

No aggro table is lots of fun.

For pure chaos: Terestian Illhoof

Tons of imps running around and you need to find the one sap in chains (thank god for targeting macro's).|||There are so many awesome fights in this game it's so hard to pick a single one. I used to really like the Netherspite fight, with the portals and the beams n the switching beams.

Haven't done any vanilla or any TBC except Kara though, so I'm pretty sure I'm missing some great fights.

I like pretty much any fight that involves tank (me) tactics =P.

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