Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to get into Ulduar 10?

[:1]Okay peeps, here's the deal: For the last couple of months I've been investing time in raiding and getting better gear. I've done Naxx10 quite a few times, been into Naxx25 at least thrice and I've even ventured into ToC10 with a group. But... Even though the guild I was in previously ventured into Ulduar10 a few times, we never got in far due to lack of people wanting to raid Ulduar.

All the raids I've been in since (like the ones I've mentioned) have been pugged and most actually were enjoyable. But I would really, really go through Ulduar10 at least once. The problem is that every time I try to find a group for Ulduar10 someone wants to see my Ulduar10 achievement. Long story short... I don't have it yet! I'm a good player, I know my class (balance druid), my gear's up to scratch, I've seen all the heroic dungeons and even quite some 25-person ones, but until this moment I keep getting turned down BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE AN ACHIEVEMENT!

At this moment, the guild I'm in is just starting up raid routine. We're getting to know each other's playing style, who can raid when, etc. So Ulduar10 is out of our reach for the time being. I really want to see Ulduar through once, so I can either wait for my guild 'getting there' or... well... find some other way? Am I the only one who's having this 'problem' with doing raids/instances or are more people stuck like this?

I know I had trouble getting into a group for the heroic Oculus achievement because, well, you guessed it... I didn't have the achievement yet! I'm getting a bit tired of this, to be honest...

Suggestions?|||*cough*Fake Achievement Addon*cough*

You didn't hear it from me and I'll be nabbing some coughing drops now.|||Um.. find a guild that's raiding it? Honestly, Ulduar is hard enough that if youhaven't seen the fights at least once you're probably going to screwup here and there and in 10 man, that can put a lot of pressure on the group. Some examples... in Hodir, you need to avoid a lot of damage and he casts Flash Freeze. It's avoidable, but if you don't get on the snow mound that lets you avoid this, you get frozen in a block of ice, take damage and have to be broken out. On Kologarn, you need to know how to run to avoid the eyebeam without it splashing on others and on Auriaya you need to know how to recover from her fears, avoid the void zones, get back in front of her, kill her adds, etc.

None of this is really HARD but most people screw up on the first time through... think of Aran in Kara... it's a complex encounter for the level of raid, but really not that hard once you've done it a couple of times... but the first time? someone usually effs up and moves during Wreath etc. On a guild run, no big deal. On a PUG that wants to clear in a night or two? Bigger deal.|||Clevins, I understand the whole 'people make mistakes'-part of your post. However... Where is the trust that I used to see in pugs before? People used to give 'newbies' a chance and most of the time, when I confess I haven't seen an encounter before or have done it only once (with a 'bad' group), most people use to accept this and don't even get mad when it is truly my fault that a group wipes.

I'm just saying that it seems to me people have less patience with willing people than before. I can't really blame them for it, but it's no fun for people like me. And yes, I've been thinking about joining another guild, but that's a bit complicated at the moment.

And Aerath: That's a nasty cough! Take care of it, hehe.|||Quote:

I'm just saying that it seems to me people have less patience with willing people than before.

Actually, I don't think thats really true. How easy would have been for you to get into a ZA pug back in BC? (Assuming you were in a guild still working their way through Kara at the time.) Most people in that situation didn't even look because pugging it just didn't seem practical.

These days, with a lot larger portion of the content being pugalbe, it brings out more people, and it's reasonable for people to want to try to put together successful groups. This has brought about a lot of annoying things people do to try to guess about a players skill like gear score mods, wow-heros stalking, achievment requirements. Certainly, these things can't tell you if a player stands in fire or runs off into a corner to pleasure themselves while others kill the boss. But short of actually knowing the player, it's really all you have to go on.

My suggestion is to try to get to know some people who do run the stuff you are interested in regularly. If they get to know you as a player, then they will be a lot more willing to take you along for other stuff. That might be hard if your guild doesn't want you getting saved to Sarth and Naxx, but you can always do heroics. Try to pug the heroic daily each day. When people are trying to fill a last spot in a raid, it's not uncommon for a "anyone have someone on their friends list" to go out in raid chat. So, get on people's friends lists.|||I'm with Aerath... Get Underachiever and make sure you read up on all of the fights that way they aren't going "Wth? Noob, get out, you don't know what you're doing." obviously DBM is a requirement.|||I agree with Catt... get to know ppl who run Ulduar. Ideally, do well in a Naxx pug and then ask the person who led it or even in raid chat if they know of any Ulduar 10 pugs. AS you've just shown you're a good player...

The think about Ulduar 10 is that in some cases you can't have even one person die or screw up. It depends on the raid of course, but on several fights one person screwing up means a wipe. Hell, I'm not taking inexperienced people in my guild right now because I want to force us to clear the place first. The fact is, you're simply not ready to pull your weight on a full clear Ulduar 10. Ulduar isn't Naxx - it's much harder and much less forgiving of mistakes.|||Thanks for the useful suggestions, people! I'll try and contact some people I know are in a guild that raids more often and see if they'd be interested in taking me along on 'easier' raids than Ulduar10 to get to know me. I always read about boss tactics before I enter a new instance, so that part I'm not worried about. Thanks again, I'll work on it in the coming weeks and I'll post here when I succeed in doing Ulduar! ^^|||I've been to Uld 10 three times so far:

First time we got Flame Lev (died from siege engine taking too much dmg), Razorscale, Ignis (died from not getting heals in slag pot), XT, Kologarn and Council of Iron (died from Tendrils).

Second time Flame Lev, Razorscale, (skipped Ignis after 2 wipes), Kologarn, then brickwalled on Auriaya. A lot less "Wintrow, you noob" second time around.

Third time guild was at Vezax when they needed a dps. We didn't get passed the trash right before the boss.

Then yesterday I get invited to a pug for Uld 25 "first boss only". Man I wish I had the time then, but I had to go.

In the end, if it wasn't for my guild and the fact my kid brother is MT there, I doubt I would've ever set foot in there (not until most guilds had ICC on farm anyway).|||good luck ptarn. Ulduar is a fun place and as long as you're a good player you'll be fine. It just takes some practice to get used to a few things.

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