Saturday, April 14, 2012

Raid Roles

[:1]I have been playing wow for quite some time as a druid healer.

I have been moving up the ranks in my guild since I've taken the time to study and learn the in and out of all the healing specs.

About 6 months i was make healing lead to watch over the healers which was fine since i knew what i was doing and could help with specs, gear, who heals what, etc.

Recently I've been messing around with feral spec and our dps lead had left the guild.

In there amazing wisdom they see me in feral and make in charge of dps as well.

The issue is i don't know much about dps in raid roles.

I know the basics of specs and gear but i am completely clueless on who to actually bring in a raid.

Is there a guide that can help me understand how much dps and utilty a role brings to raid?

For example if there is too many people and only one spot left ... do you bring the oomkin,ele shaman,or the damn mage that won't get off frost spec? Stuff like that i'm at a lost to.

Any advise would help and thanks in advance.

Ps Sorry for wall of text, formated as best as i could.|||Have a look at:

That'll show you who brings what buff/debuff.

Furthermore, have a glance over @ the Elitist Jerks class forums, to get an idea about 'accepted' raid specs. Lastly, get someone in the guild to run get an account at one of the various log sites, such as or - they can help you get an idea of your star players. The moonkin might well bring a needed buff, but if the Elemental Shaman does twice his DPS...

Then again, maybe the Frost Mage never dies to stupid stuff like Icehowl's Charge or stands in fire while the other two do...|||


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