Hello, I'm just pretty curious on how many people have actually done this, Im looking for 40 people to do this instance with me. I'm a level 64 hunter and i really want the bow "Soulstring", My server is Kul Tiras, What I can offer anyone that helps me, Can get everything in this run(s) except the bow. Also, I can give each player Two gold, I know it isn't much but I always loved this bow.
If anyone is intrested and can do this as soon as possible, Please msg back here. Thanks!
Edit: I'm sure no one can help me but im really desperate.|||Well, you may try, but the odds of you actually finding 39 other ppl (not 40, You are the 40th member) that are willing and capable of bringing down the 4 horsemen are... well you might as well be asking for Thor'idal.
In fact, I'd say the odds are higher of a guild taking you along on a Sunwell raid than you getting Soulstring.|||Is this an EU or US realm?|||Quote:
Well, you may try, but the odds of you actually finding 39 other ppl (not 40, You are the 40th member) that are willing and capable of bringing down the 4 horsemen are... well you might as well be asking for Thor'idal.
In fact, I'd say the odds are higher of a guild taking you along on a Sunwell raid than you getting Soulstring.
not realy.
the original naxx can be made by 20 lvl 70 people in decent gear. Thor'iddal is quite another thing ^^
Mankeluvsit : with the expansion coming in a month, i would focus on getting to lvl 70 and farming gold for some mounts, not on trying to get some bow which you will replace at lvl 70 anyway. Not to mention lvl 80...|||not a lot of people do naxx nowadays and with wolk 6 weeks away i cant really see the point in you going to naxx to get a weapon that will be out of date almost as soon as you get it. also naxx isnt going to be easy if you get a group of 70's to help you, the fights are about timing and positioning not about dps and tank skills. a group of 40 70's will be able to wipe just as easy as a group of 60's if the people dont know the events|||Finding a group for Naxx might not be as difficult as some people think. Naxx runs are currently fairly common because of people who want the achievement before the patch hits. (At least on my old and my new server, there seems to be a group a week that forms.)
It probably wouldn't even be that hard to convince such a group to give you a piece of loot if it dropped.
What would be hard is convincing them to take a non-70 along for the ride.
However, as others have said, you are better off just leveling. For example, there is a quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley with Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart as the reward.
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