[:1]Some of you my have been noticing my gear up postings and me mentioning my first participation in an pugged "OS10-0D"-run.
I found it a lot of fun and quite enjoyed finally hopping portals and dodging flame walls after merely reading about the fights for so long. I didn't know what dps I pulled, but I was hitcapped and be-imba said I was ready and we pulled it off w/o a hitch (well, barring that triple trash pull that squashed the tank).
So, I was confident yesterday when I responded to another OS 10 LFM 1 dps, 1 healer that, even though I'm in starter gear, I'd be fine.
I'm second at the stone and once we get a full group summons start and we head in. I do my part in buffing GotW and putting Thorns on the MT (as I have done countless times), go boomkin, mana'd up and wait for the pull. Raidleader added "I expect 2000+ dps from each of you".
It's a 3-pack of dragonkin. I put up Fearie Fire (still need it's +hit to get to the cap), dots and start spamming Wrath and waiting for Eclipse to proc. First mob down, second mob, FF+dots, wrath spam, DANG!, missed an eclipse proc amidst the heals and buffs flying around. Even then, mob hp was falling fast but I thought to myself, "wake up Wint, that won't fly".
And then a /rw "Wintrawr! Keep up!".
I was a bit WTF, but yeah, I could've done better I guess.
Second pull, 3 drakonids. Same routine but this time I kept on top of things. On Eclipse procs I switched to Starfire and basked in it's crit-delight and I wasted no time switching to mobs. And then
"You are no longer in this instance's raid group. You will be teleported to the nearest GY in 60 seconds"
I /w the raidleader "that's weak, i'm in raid-starting gear fcs"
Him: "You should be in heroics"
A check from Recount put me at 1860 dps.
Me: "it's just OS10 no drakes"
Him: "Don't care"
Him: "now plz stop /w me"
Me: "whatever, still think it's weak"
I logged off in disgust right there. To think I asked my brother to come when the MT dropped out (he was just leaving for dinner).
So, opinions...
Am I really that badly geared (armory)?
Was he a prick?
Should I try again tonight?
Should I mention that my gear is not quite up there yet, but I'm hitcapped?
Should I run heroics instead?
Which ones? VH?|||You should realy be able to pull 2k. 2k was posible at lvl 70 in BT gear. He was still a prick though ^^ I would never kick someone in such a easy instance over 100 dps.
Now, the other question : Why do you do single target damage a the trash groups ? Dont you have this AoE wave with knockback and the thunderstorm AoE ? That would see you way past 2k dps, i assume. ( i am no druid expert though )
edit : looking at your armory, i am a bit surprised that you even pull off 1800 dps ^^ You have realy low spelldamage.|||Well, I'm glad that I seem to be able to push the maximum dps out my gear. I also thought, since I'm not hitcapped w/o FF, that I should avoid using AoE in max-dps scenario's.
2F, you think I should stick to heroics some more?|||I would buy some upgrades off the auction house. Some items from Ulduar, or at atleast NAX. Nax BoE are pretty cheap nowadays.
And you should do heroics untilll you have full lvl 80 blue gear. You are still using some items from lvl 70...|||not some L70 items, just one, my idol.
and we all know how much there are to be found.
and the only non-blue I have is a trinket w a ton of +hit on it.
I have exhaustingly researched what items to get so that i wouldn't have to run x instance y times until I get lucky w a drop.
In that respect I'm gonna take up part of your advice and shop around some more for BoE's I suppose...
Bye bye mount money .|||I can't check your armory from work. I agree with previous poster that a group of 500 dps'rs could do OS10 killing all drakes.
I'm a resto druid main spec but dabble with balance as off spec. I don't even know what the hit cap is for balance druids but at one time in naxx 25, I had maybe 25 hit rating and missed twice on an 8 minute boss fight. I topped at 3300 in my resto gear. I'm not sure how much you should focus hit rating.
If you aren't enchanted, get enchanted. Are you flasked and food buffed? It makes a huge difference for me. Flask of the Frost Wyrm + the Tender Shoveltusk Steak
I never use FF or dots, I think that may be bringing your dmg down...Try just wrath spam and then starfire when it procs. Save FF for boss fights only.
I rarely if ever use druid AOE unless there are 4+ mobs. It's pretty weak.
I don't even have typhoon and would suggest never using that in a raid if you want to stay. If you start kicking mobs away from the tanks, that's a sure fire way to get booted or never invited back.
If you've never used Maxdps.com, check it out as it will rank the pieces that will give you the maximum dps and you can filter out gear from instances you aren't running yet.
If you haven't run heroics, you need to hit them up and save up your badges for gear. You can get gear from them as well as the badges. I'd suggest running at minimum UK, Nexus and Violet Hold daily for rep as well as badges.
There is a nice 213 Bind on Equip Shoulder item from OS25 that you can probably find on AH. Mantle of Eternal something. You can pick it up for 1k or probably less now off AH.|||Good stuff all around tater, I probably didn't need FF and dots on trash as you mentioned. So I could've just AoE/spam and perhaps have gotten better dps.
I'll definately give more attention to heroics even if only to get the emblems for a better idol.
Haven't flasked or anything since those tend to rack up for a hefty sum. Not to say I didn't get a decent food buff though.|||Don't buy things. Just don't. Unless your guild is pushing you to get upgrades so they can do new content etc, you can get upgrades via heroics, quests, OS10 and Naxx.
1) Yes he was a prick. It's OS10, no drakes 8 months post expansion. He's compensating for a small dick, don't worry about it.
2) No one cares what you did at 70 in 25 man BT 2F. Compare the same thing, not your past glories.
Gear - your spellpower is fine for blues, but a bit low for Naxx. Get the Argent Skullcap from a short Argent Vanguard quest (Icecrown). Use lootrank to get a nice gear list in general. DON'T BUY THINGS. Sure you could buy BoE epics, but there's no reason to spend 1-2k gold when you can get similar stats from heroics, OS10, Naxx and quests. Look for things like Girdle of Bane (heroic UP), etc. IN general each heroic will have one upgrade for you.
Make sure you've macroed your trinkets as the both have on use procs. If you are always triggering them manually fine, but most people forget so macro them to something like Wrath.
Yes, you should run heroics. AND OS-10 and Naxx-10.
Remember that the badges that drop from heroics will be upgrades in 3.2 so unless you need to, I'd just do what you can for fun and grind badges post 3.2.|||As has been mentioned, single targeting AoE packs will make your dps a lot lower than everyone elses. 1800 dps is certainly not terrible in your gear on a single mob, but I'm betting that most of the other people were putting out some pretty high numbers because they were AoEing. (I would suspect most others were 3K+ for those packs, making your 1800 look pretty bad.)
As far as hit goes, you need 17% hit to never miss a boss mob. You need 6% hit to never miss a level 82 mob. Trash mobs are generally level 82 and lower, so you don't need fairy fire to hit cap on them.
But yes, the raid leader was being a jerk. 2K for 0 drake Sarth is pretty overkill. I'd be more sympathetic for something like Naxx, where a group might want higher than necessary dps to get through it faster, but OS is quick either way. I'm sure they spent more time replacing you than they would have lost with your lower dps. (Even more if you are evil like me and would have convinced your brother to drop group as well.) He had a chance to inspect your gear before he invited you, so it was his responsibility to see if you were up to standard for what he wanted. Calling you out in raid warning is incredibly bad form.
That having been said, your gear is pretty sub par. Figure out what rep grinds you can do for gear. Run a bunch of heroics. Get some of the ilvl 200 BoE blues off the AH (these should typically run you less than 100g each.) If you want to do some 10 man raids, find groups that understand that you are still early in the gearing process and won't be jerks about the fact that your dps is low. (As I said, for a lot of fights, a good raid leader would rather have someone in crummy gear who knows the fights and doesn't get themselves killed than someone in Ulduar 25 gear who is dead on the first fire wall.)|||Well, following your instructional AND inspirational words I logged in and promptly got invited to a Naxx10 run as dps. The leader didn't mind me being on the low end. We did spider, plague and called it on 4 hoursemen due to the MT being too drunk and the healer too tired .
Walked away w new belt and 8 emblems (enough now to replace my L70 idol). The belt did lack any hit, so I'm back to my cruddy trinket in order to cap. Luckely I hadn't added a gem slot yet... (though that might actually be a bad thing).
Off to the vendor and then to the AH to fill in some holes in my gear...
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