Saturday, April 14, 2012

Out of role priorities on Naxxramas fights

[:1]Is the topic says, this post has been written to give some insight to where in Naxx that the obvious role of direct damage/healing etc has to be set aside for the sake of the raid as a whole.

I wrote this guide as a help for my guildmembers in <Swordid>, but have thought about it, and do now want to share my view with the rest of the community.

I will always welcome constructive critisism, and do not expect all to agree with what i've written or the way i propose things to be done - but you are more than welcome to adapt the methods you seem fit. (and of course disregard the things you do not want to use.)

This guide is also freely yours to copy/paste on any forum/website you deem it useful on - all i ask in return is for me to be credited for the work.

I have written this guide to make it more obvious to all raiding members of <Swordid> to know what is being expected of them in any of the fights we will encounter in Naxxramas. When it comes to do something different that just standing and shooting/slashing away at the boss.

In most of the boss encounters in Naxxramas the bosses have some nasty tricks up their sleeve, that the raid has to cope with. This will more often than not require some or or more of the raidmembers to differ from their normal role of straight out dps/healing etc.

I have compiled a list of each encounter in Naxxramas by quarter.

I can not force anyone to read or learn this by heart - but i do hope that you will, as I see this as required knowledge.

This list is in no way also the only knowledge you should have on the fights. holds a complete list of all boss encounters, including their abilities and proposed tactics.

Read them, learn them, know them and love them, they will make our progress and teamwork more efficient, when all knows what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

And to shamelessly cite Delta <Swordid>:Remember the 6 p's - Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Arachnid quarter

  • 10 man: will curse 3 or 5? players with a debuff that lowers healing taken with 50% (can and will be cast several times during fight, meaning the entire raid can be affected)

    25 man: will affect ~10 players with a debuff that lowers healing taken with 75% (can and will be cast several times during fight, meaning the enitre raid can be affected=

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Mage - decurse

    Druid - decurse (unless assigned with healing duty - if healing works fine, feel free to help)

    Shaman - decurse (not optimal, as the resto shaman should be busy with keeping the tanks alive


Releases small scarabs from the corpses of his guardians and dead players - random timing, and with random targeting from the scarabs

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Mage - frost nova them in place as close as possible (try position yourself near a corpse as there is very little time to react on)

    Paladin - if no mages around to help, gather them up with help of consecrate (not ideal, as it will be a larger dps/healing loss)

[color=#FF0000]Grand Widow Faerlina[/color]
  • 10 man: Casts a poison bolt volley dot, affects nearest 3 players for ~3k damage + ~1.5k every 2 seconds for 8 seconds

    25 man: Casts a poison bolt volley bot, affects nearest 10 players for ~4k damage + ~2k every 2 seconds for 8 seconds

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Shaman - totems and remove poison

    Paladin - cleanse

    Druids - remove poison


Will summon small spider adds underneath itself, and will cast cocoon on 1/2 (10/25man) players at regular intervals

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers on Spider adds:[/color]
  • Mage - assign one mage to run forward to cast frost nova the second the adds appear, that will have them nicely rooted underneath Maexxna to take part in the coming aoe damage. (have to be timed if near enrage/webspray timer)

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers on Cocoon:[/color]
  • Hunter - ideal high dps for this

    Mage - also ideal due to ranged high dps output (scorch/arcane missiles for fast hits)

1 person on 10 man and 2 persons on 25 man will usually be enough, but reserves should be assigned in case the primary will get themselves cocooned.

[color=#0000FF]Plague quarter[/color]

[color=#FF0000]Noth the Plaguebringer[/color]
  • 10 man: curses 3 players, if not decursed within 10 second, the affected will deal ~4k damage to all players with in 30 yards + ~1.5k every 2 second for 10 seconds (can be healed through if no decursers available)

    25 man: curses 10 players, if not decursed within 10 second, the affected will deal ~6k damage to all players with in 30 yards + ~3.5k every 2 second for 10 seconds (Will generally cause a wipe, due to the 23k+ damage to the entire raid !)

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Mage - decurse

    Druid - decurse (unless assigned to healing duty, is healing good - feel free to help)

    Shaman - decurse (should be busy healing, but is healing good - feel free to help)

[color=#FF0000]Heigan the Unclean[/color]
  • 10 man: Diseases a random player doing 3k nature damage every 3 seconds, and reduces hitpoint of all players within 20 yards by 50%

    25 man: Diseases a random player doing 4.5K nature damge every 3 seconds, and reduces hitpoint of all players within 20 yards by 50%

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Shaman - remove disease

    Priest - remove disease

    Paladin - Cleanse


No abilities regarding this topic

[color=#0000FF]Military quarter[/color]


The mounted Death Knights - Death Knight Cavallier - casts a bone armor on themselves ever so often, wich absorbs all damage until removed. it HAS to be removed asap by the priority takers

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Hunter - Tranquility shot

    Shaman - Purge

    Priest - Dispel magic

[color=#FF0000]Instructor Razuvious[/color]
  • 10 man: tanked by the two provided adds using the controlling orbs at the arena

    25 man: tanked by two of the 4 adds, utilizing priest mind control.

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Priest - Mind Control - casted up two of the adds, using their abilities to tank Instructor Razuvious

On 10 man a priest is not needed in the raid for this fight, as any player can use the controlling orbs that are at the arena. (usually least dps - nonhealing class)

on 25 man, at least 2 priests is needed for this fight, as the adds have to be mind controlled to tank Instructor Razuvious. Hit gear here will be a bonus, to avoid misses/resists on the mind control

[color=#FF0000]Gothik the Harvester[/color]

No abilites regarding this topic

Though it can be beneficial for a warlock to keep up Curse of Tongues on gothik, as it will lower his 1 sec shadow bolt volley to a 1.6 cast really lowering his damage output. (Thanks Zaamy)

[color=#FF0000]The 4 Horsemen[/color]

No abilities regarding this topic

[color=#0000FF]Construct quarter[/color]


No abilities regarding this topic

It is beneficial to keep up such debuffs as Scorpid Sting and Insect Swarm.

Other Debuffs such as Curse of Weakness/Demoralising Shout/Screech/Roar (listed as strongest to weakest) do not stack and the strongest available should always wbe the one chosen for the fight.

And finally Thunderclap or Frost fever up as it will also benefit the fight if kept up.

It will all lower Patchwerks damage output, making it easier on healers to keep the tank and hateful strike tanks topped up.

(Thanks Astrynn)

  • Casts Mutating Injection on a random player every 20 seconds (will increase as Grobbulus health drops). will deal 8-9k nature damage when dropping after 10 seconds or if dispelled, to every player within 20 yards (including affected player)

    Will cast Slime Spray in a frontal 45 yard cone hitting for 6.3-7.7k nature damage, players hit will release a Fallout slime.

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers in Mutating Injection:[/color]
  • All and everybody, including YOU!

    The infected played HAVE to move ASAP out near the wall at a open spot BEHIND the boss and wait for the injection to drop.

    doing this will keep the inner area of the room clear of poison clouds, anableing the raid to move along with the boss doing what they are supposed to .. tank, spank, heal and kill.

    The infection is not to be removed at all in this fight due to the resulting poison clouds ! (only ones allowed to divert from this rule is those that has absolute control over this fight, and know exactly where to stand and what to do at any given point of the fight. and only to use it on themselves when standing out of the way where the injection is supposed to be dropped!)

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers on Fallout Slime:[/color]
  • All ranged dps: after the slime have been picked up by the offtank, all dps should burn this down asap, so we all can return to Grobbulus. (the slime does a 10 yard 1k/2k (10/25man) aoe damage, hence only ranged should attack those)

  • Summons skeletal adds at regular intervals, those hit by them will get a debuff increasing damage taken by 100 - staking up to 99 times.

    The adds move at normal running speed !

    Gluth will at intervals cast Decimate, making all adds move towards him, while lowering health of all players and adds to 5% of original health.Ff the adds reach Gluth each add will heal him for 5%,

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers on kiting:[/color]
  • hunter - kiting adds around the back with frost traps.

    Mage - kiting adds around the back (utilizing frost abilities to slow down the adds)

    Paladin - keeping consecrate up at spawn point to get initial aggro from the adds. can stun with Holy Wrath

    Shaman - earthbind totems

There are additional classes/specs that can be utilized, but so far a combination of the above classes have shown to work well.

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers on Decimate:[/color]
  • All dps! Root, or slow the adds at with any means possible (frost nova, frost trap) and aoe/dps the crap out of them.

Hunter in the raid should also be aware of removing Gluths enrage with tranquilizing shot (thanks Delta)


No abilities regarding this topic

[color=#0000FF]Frostwyrm Lair[/color]

  • 10 man: Casts Life Drain on 2 random players every 24 seconds, causes 2-3k shadow damage and heals Sapphiron for 4.5-5.5K every 3 seconds.

    25 man: Casts Life Drain on 5 random players every 24 seconds, causes 5-6k shadow damage and heals Sapphiron for 15K every 3 seconds.

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Mage - decurse

    Druid - decurse (unless assigned with healing, is healing top notch, feel free to help)

    Shaman - decurse (should be busy healing, but is healing top notch feel free to help)


10 man: None

25 man: Chains of Kel'Thuzad - Kel'Thuzad can mind control 3 people at once.

Size increased by 200%. Charmed. Damage increased by 200%. Healing increased by 500%. They will buff and heal Kel'Thuzad. Can and have to be CC'd by any ability that would normally work on humanoids. This ability will wipe all threat. This ability lasts 20 seconds and cannot be removed by any means.

[color=#FF0000]Priority takers:[/color]
  • Mage - polymorph

    Hunter - frosttrap

    Rogue - sap

    Paladin - Hammer of justice (only 6 sec so not optimal, but usefull to help others to get them cc'ed before they do any harm)

Other than the above, Kel'Thezad will frequently cast a frost bolt, wich should be interupted my any means available,as to ease the healers job, so they can focus on the tanks, and those being iceblocked

Regarding the iceblock (Frost Blast), i'm sure the healers know this, but it will deal 104% of the affected players maximum health in 4 seconds, if not healed they will die.


01.) Added color to make it the sections more obvious and corrected some grammar

02.) Added to the initial text

03.) Did some minor text size adjustments, along with listings

04.) Added some suggestions on Patchwerk and Gothik

05.) Rephrased some passages - added credit where due

06.) Rephrased passage on Gothik

07.) Deleted use of concussion blow on hunter kiting on Gluth fight (thanks Delta)

08.) Added Death Knight Cavalier trash in Military quarter, corrected some grammar

09.) Rephrased passage on Gluth fight to give a more correct view of decimate ability. added hunter suggestion on Gluth fight

10.) Added abilities for Kel'Thuzad 25 man - my apoligies for overlooking that one. :oops:|||you might wanna check your post for formatting.|||Quote:

you might wanna check your post for formatting.

Yes i noticed when i posted, i was just to tired to do something about it at the time - it will be done.|||Well done, its just good wowwiki doesnt cover any of this in detail or this post would be a bit redundant.|||My guild master requires everyone to watch the tankspot <sp> videos on youtube.

In the spirit of doing things you don't usually do in fights:

A good use for the white smoke flares <engineering item> is to mark the safe places to stand for the safety dance.

They are fairly cheap to make elemental blasting powder and netherweave <iirc> generates 3 flares. One of the few things engineers can make that does not require engineering to use.

I forget where I got the pattern, I think it was during a holiday thing.

Z.|||A Warlock can use Fear to CC MC's on Kel'thuzad.

Edit: But if you watched TankSpots excellent video you already knew that.

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