Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saved Raid question.

[:1]I'm not new to the game but there's still some mechanics of it I don't know of, but by this one I'm baffled about.

Me and my guild started a raid on 10-man Naxxramas to down Patchwerk for the Raid going through the Plague Quarter, killing Trash and of course, downing Patchwerk himself.

After we killed Patch, several people left, so I got some more by looking for people via Trade (bad idea on my part). I got some people, and continued on to Grobbulus (sp?). Died Twice. People left once more. So I got back and try and find more, and get flamed for claiming people won't see what I see. And I specifically asked those who had downed Patchwerk.

On to my question: Since the people I invited, I ask them had they killed Patchwerk...they said yes. So Invited them, and they saw what I saw, me being raid leader. So...if people are saved to their 'own' raid, then how is it they saw what I did, even though they killed Patch? I'm confused, cause I did ask them if they had completed the daily and they complied. Can anyone help me out?

Off-topic: I'm new to the forums here, and figure this would be a better place to ask my questions if I had any, rather than risk being trolled/flamed in either Trade or LFG.|||Each person gets saved to their own raid id, once they down a boss. Every person in a raid gets the same id.

If someone downs a boss in another raid, they'll get their own id and will be in their own version of that instance - even if their raidleader is saved to a different id.

You could get unsaved people, and they would then be saved to your id.

//edit: off-topic: Hi!|||From what you're saying, the people that had joined the raid at that time, weren't saved at all? or had a similar Raid ID as me?|||Quote:

From what you're saying, the people that had joined the raid at that time, weren't saved at all? or had a similar Raid ID as me?

They would be saved to a Naxx if they had been in a group that downed a boss, any boss in Naxx, until reset. It doesn't have to be the same boss that your earlier attempt downed, just any boss in Naxx.|||Yes, if people want to join your raid group (after downing a boss) to replace ppl that left they have to be unsaved or have already been saved to the exact same raidid (not similar).

If someone who has not been saved yet joins a raid that has already downed a boss they get warned that, in x seconds (60?) they will also be locked to that raid id.

ANYONE who is locked to a certain raid id will ALWAYS zone into that specific instance. Regardless of the raid id of the raid leader of the the raid group they are currently in.

This way you can down 1 boss on thursday, come back sunday and find the place has been cleaned out. A mechanic which I used (back in TBC) to finish a quest in Karazhan when my grp didn't want to make a detour to the questgiver.

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