Thursday, April 12, 2012

TOC faction champs, give me some help.

[:1]I've read other forums, other strats but I am returning here where I have had such good advice before.

Give me some tips/tricks to win this fight. We worked on it for an hour or so last night and never downed a single npc.

We have the resto shaman/holy priest/resto druid/ret pally/rogue+others combo.

We were able to control the warrior and DK with a pair of our dk's, but the rogue simply owned everyone.

I've read to down the rogue first, i've read to down the healers first... etc etc.

Thoughts?|||Perhaps this is better suited in the PvP forum. Play it off as a 5v5...

Other than that... I got nothing.|||LOL I can't believe that was the only reply!

We downed them last night. has most of the info you need but i'll give the highlights as to how we did it.

We had a DK take the warrior out of the battle for the most part.

We had our dps "clump" with the healers in the middle and brought targets into the clump. The reason for this is OUR own aoe fears. We had 5-6 players who could aoe fear. Using that strategy, some hexing/poly/banishes we were able to pull mob after mob into the clump and dps them down.

The other key is dispells, I personally went disc for the fight and for the majority of the fight I was spamming mass dispell on our dps clump which included the current target. I kept prom on cd as well as PI and PS. I would bubble 2-3 people every 10 seconds or so to keep the raidwide buff going.

Dispelling was mad, we had 3 people on nothing but dispells. Healing really isn't that rough. I think we could do the fight with 4 healers but dispells have to be quick and frequent. Using 4+priests on this fight could trivialize it some with mass dispell.

We also used 2 warriors to lock down the priest healer.

We downed the shaman healer first, with one dps assigned to totem duty.

Next we downed the priest.

Then we downed the tree druid.

After that, we took out the pets as their HP was low.

Then we just started picking off dps.

Requirements for this fight:

#1 Situational awareness. If 2-3 mobs were getting close to the dps clump, you have to know to use your fear. If the warrior happens to get away and come flying near the clump you must move. Druids must be quick to BR people if the situation arises.

#2 Gear. If you don't have the dps to burst down the first couple of healers pretty quickly you simply can't do this fight. You need people with the mana pools to support dispells, and healing. You need people with enough stam to survive getting hit for 20k and still be able to live.

#3 Teamwork, communication is vital here.

We failed MISERABLY on nigh 1, never downing a single mob. Little did we know that if you can down the first couple of mobs you have a good shot at winning. Last night we managed to get all 3 healers down a couple of times and eventually we had most people alive when all the healers went down making the fight pretty simple from that point.

GL to those on this fight, it isn't easy.

BTW most of us are pvp noobs. I have personally never set foot in an arena, although I spent a LOT of time in bg's prior and during TBC.|||Seems you're on the cutting edge of the worldofwar community rgirty

Keep up the good work !|||Quote:

Seems you're on the cutting edge of the worldofwar community rgirty

Keep up the good work !

Nawe, i know we have multiple people here clearing yogg and i've never been past general in u25 and we have 0 25 hm kills.|||The two things that really seemed important on this fight were interrupts and dispels. We had the warlock, so Mass Dispel had to be used with extreme caution. The scariest moment was when he got his UA off just as my MD landed. Fortunately, he targeted someone not in my MD target area, but it could have been bad.

This was one fight where my ora2 tank windows came in very handy. I usually have them up in the corner of my screen out of the way, but for this fight I brought them in close to grid. That way, with my dispel mouseover macro it was trivial to keep our focus target dispelled (which is critical to actually being able to kill them if any healers are up.)

Beyond that, the other critical thing was communication. It's a chaotic fight, and you need to be able to work as a team to get it down. Everyone needs to be able to focus a target, and switch targets quickly if necessary.|||I hate the fight with a passion since last reset.

We spend 2 hours wiping on it on the normal mode while we usually breeze through ToC Normal in a little over an hour.

And, just out of spite I'm sure, Blizz nerfed the fight AND the set up we had yesterday was very very easy.

I don't like the randomness of it all, you can't really build a strat around it.


sorry 'bout that :p

Also annoying that most of our raiders are PvE exclusively 'n thus I always have to remind the 'locks that it's ok to fear 'n so on.

Think one of our 'locks actually had to dive into his spell book to find it :p|||Honestly? I think it's (and I dread saying it) a huge part of L2P.

You hear a lot of clothies complaining how they get one-shotted. Well, no. But if you're standing next to a big freaking warrior who's frozen in place he *will* be whacking you if you don't move.

A lot of it is simple situational awareness. *Any* composition that can down Beasts + Jax (or whatever that demon was called) has enough CC and damage to burn down the faction champions. Especially on normal mode. Every single class can CC at least one of the champions. You have enough damage to burn through one healer's output. Every single group will have an interrupter to shut down casts.

I love the fight (it's pretty much the only fight I enjoy there), exactly because it requires something other than 'hit dps rotation' from people.|||Yeah I definitely agree. Faction Champions (especially on hard mode) are more about raider awareness then actual crowd control. On hard mode most of the mobs go immune to crowd control very very quickly, plus they get dispells, blessings of freedoms, ect. from the other mobs.

The key to victory is knowing when to stop attacking and start running. We've found that those raiders who arena tend to do much better at this fight than the strictly pvers (which isn't surprising, as its a pvp fight). Arena players know that staying alive is far more important than doing dps, and that is basically the key to winning on this fight. If all you focus on is the kill target, don't blame anyone but yourself when one of the other mobs walks over and one shots you.|||Hm... I'm a pve-player mostly. Did quite a lot of pvp 'back in the days' (yeah, yeah, grandma, move along) and was fairly good at it too, but nowadays it's not really my cup of tea. But... Whenever I play, whatever I do, I ALWAYS focus on staying alive rather than dps'ing the sh*t out of everything that moves (I'm a balance druid, btw). I keep my eye on people in need, throw a heal in now and then when I see that the healers are occupied elsewhere and I'd rather move over to someone to help out or even take agro off of someone if that someone is more important to group/raid survivability than me (mostly healers).

So... I've been playing pve 'wrong', then? XD

Anyway, thanks for the advice about ToC, I'll keep it in mind when I'm ready to 'step into the arena', hehe.

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