Is a priest more helpful or a full def tank?|||That entirely depends on the composition of the raid group in question. Some guilds have a surplus of healers, so they'd welcome a tank more.. others have it vice versa. And even if they could use both, there are some fights where a paladin healer would be preferable over a priest, or a priest preferable over a resto druid. The same goes for a tank, really - some fights are almost impossible without the aoe options a paladin tank has, while in other cases you'd very much prefer a warrior.
What might help, is to have a look at the chat channels on your server. You can often see (raiding) guilds recruiting specific classes/specs in placse like trade chat, which could be an indication of what is more in demand. On my server I more often see the call for healers than for tanks, but it could be different on your server.|||My brain fell out reading this question. Really.|||There are more healer spots than there are tank spots in a raid, so you'll obviously have less tanks than healers. Being a tank takes more dedication as your raid group will depend a lot more on you. Your gear progression will make a difference for both the healers and for how much dps the rest can push and not having you around for a raid can be a major setback or even mean you'll have to postpone a progression raid.
This means guilds will look a lot closer before taking you as a tank than as a healer. A 25man guild could have around 10 healers and 2-4 melee tanks (warrior/pala/DK) in their raidgroup. Rotating 10 people is easy, rotating 3 people on 2 spots is hard and 4 on 2 spots is horrible, but then again you won't get anywhere if you don't have enough.
It's impossible to say what's more useful as you'll need everything, but I hope I've given you some idea what you're looking at if you're trying to choose.|||i have both off tank and priest healer in my guild. 90% of my runs are on the priest as we might need 6-9 healers on a fight and only 1-3 tanks.
tanking on a fight is more involving than healing or dps and you need to know every inch of the fight, if you miss 1 single part of the fight then you will cause a raid wipe. as sa healer your role is as important as a tank but you get a little leeway especialy if you are a party healer rather tank healer.
if you havent made your mind up what role you want to take in a raid then it might be good to roll a druid or paladin. that way you swap between tankng tanking and healing depending on the needs of your raid that night (for a small fee to respec)|||every classs is as important as the next one. every class is as difficult to play as the next one.
all in all it totaly depends. Just plkay what you like, you will certainly find a raid spot.|||both.
-___-|||[sarcasm]Neither. Leet guilds run all DPS. You down stuff faster because your group does more damage!! [/sarcasm]
As a general rule a raid will bring along more healers than tanks. This is because (in most cases) you'll have a tank or two holding aggro, and he/she/they will have thier own pocket healer(s). Then there will also be healers keeping up the rest of the raid.
As far as 5-mans/heroics go. 1 tank + 1 healer + 3*DPS = 5-man.
If you're that concerned, you could always roll a druid or pally. They can tank, heal or dps depending on their spec.|||Pff, sometimes you don't even need a prot tank/feral tank, you can use a Warlock =P.|||No healer = dead tank and raid group
No tank = dead raid group
Both as important as each other. If you meant to ask what is more likely to get you into a raid, as said above depends on your guild and server.
I know that on our server, groups are constantly waiting to find a tank, they are very rare. Where as 18months ago healers where the most uncommon.
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