I've been playing since beta but I get bored and give up, then get the urge to come back a few months (12) later and try again, lose my account details so re-roll then get bored again ...
Well, here I am again with the urge to re-roll, but while the thought of getting to 60 is daunting enough 80 seems impossible. As I've never seen any end game content in pre TBC WOW I've obviously never seen any TBC content. When Lich King arrives will no one be doing Karazhan or Sunwell anymore?
Is it worth starting from scratch at this stage?|||Yeah I think you'll be fine.
1-60 can be done in 5 days (/played) if you know what you're doing.
Call it 7/8 days otherwise.
(A fairly recent patch helped leveling from 20-60 immensely. Info Here. )
The Outland 60-70 stuff is great. Quests are varied (mostly), Gold is easy
to acquire and the item rewards are nice.
WOTLK won't be released for at least 3/4 months yet. (I think most retailers are saying "2nd half of 2008")
When it does come out we'll probably see a drop in interest towards instances like Karazhan and Magisters' Terrace in the same way that people stopped doing Upper Blackrock Spire etc.|||You can level to 70 now which done casually may take you a couple of months and you can soak up all the new quest and instances at your own pace. Or you could power level quick and wait at 70, or you could wait till the expansion and probably join a wave of rerollers and DK's.|||Hi there,
I'm kind of thinking what you're thinking. I'm the slowest person to level a character. I've been playing for almost 2 years, and am now just close to getting my first 70 (a 62 warrior).
My biggest fear is that I'll just be done getting to 70, have not enjoyed the end game content of BC, and then start to 80 with the new expansion.
I'm not worried that I'll be without content, but I'm worried that I won't get to experience it all.|||It will eventually take the same route as Pre-TBC content after TBC came out. It will still be doable but groups will be harder to find.
While a lot of people will jump quick to experience 71-80, a lot will also stay back in TBC content and wait for new zones to clear out a bit.|||Thanks to all, it's encouraging to know all is not lost.
I've just started an UD Priest and I downloaded Questhelper with the intention of following Jame's leveling guide so hopefully I'll get there pretty quickly ... or not ;)|||Quest helper is awesome. Also, remember James' guide was from before the experience changes, so you may find yourself outleveled against the guide. But I used his guide on my first character and it was very good.|||im in the Argent Dawn server. and even though expansions may come out. i have found a group of ppl that are still interested in the old world content like BWL, naxx, AQ 20-40, etc. they call themselves the Old World Late Nights players, couse they only play at 12: am ST. most of them arent geared for sunwell and plan on hitting the old raids like kara-sunwell after every1 is 80 and atleast blued up from instance and quest drops from northrend.|||it will be the same way as PreBC has become. content is still aviable and stuff like that. Outland questing will still be the best way to lvl 58-68. Northrend (comes with LK) will be best way to lvl 68-80. it will become very hard to find groups for lvl 70 raids (here is Nyhm's answer on what happened when TBC came out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oLodvKCNuU ), bvecause raids gives gear, not muchexp. instances will still be played, coz they give both gear and much exp. (heres Nyhms answer on what LK will become: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfgbWwhmVbM )
I will REROLL at September!! I CANT WAIT UNTILL LK. The ahievmentys system pwns!!!
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