Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best Way To Get Into Raids + Raiding Guilds ?

I want to get into Raids and a Raiding Guild but am unsure about which class would have the best chance of being accepted by a Guild.

Here's what I have so far:

level 70 Paladin - PvP Spec'd and with PvP Armour. Could possibly respec to a tanking build.

level 70 Rogue - Pretty much rushed to 70. 50% of gear is greens, rest is blues. No flying mount.

level 63 Priest - Shadow Spec'd - leveling in Zangermarsh.

level 60 Mage - Hit 60 last night - Fire Spec'd.

Any advice would be great.

(Frostmane EU if there's any interested Guilds.)|||[Disclaimer: I'm more than willing to stand corrected on any of the following. I'm new to the subject myself, but I've spent way too much free time surfing these boards. Basically everything that follows is 85% what I've learned from the more experienced players on these boards, 15% personal experience.]

Of what you have right now I'd say your best bet would be with the Paladin. You mention possibly respeccing in order to tank, which might behoove you if you don't mind doing it. Skilled and capable (well-geared) tanks and healers (ever consider respeccing your Priest? ) are always going to be in demand. I don't think you'll often see a talented and adequately geared tank/healer without a strong guild, unless it's a conscious choice on their part. From what I've seen and heard, DPS are nearly always going to fall third on the list of what's in demand.

Being properly geared is half - 60% of the battle. Suggestions on gear I'll leave to my betters.

The other 40% - half of the battle is getting your name out there. Your Paladin is PvP specced, so part of that you've already got covered. Communicating well and showing skill/strategy in BGs doesn't go unnoticed, if the other people on your team have brains. Eventually one of those people with a brain will be a guilded raider/an alt of one just killing time/doing the daily/trying to get the honor for 'x'.

Beyond that, respeccing your Pally to be a tank and showing your skills in lower-end PuG raids/heroics/instances will pay off eventually. (The only question is whether or not your sanity will break before one of those guys in your group turns out to be the alt of a guild officer.)

Hope some of that helped a little.|||Yes I'd be willing to re-spec my Priest to Healer but I was considering doing that at level 70.

And, in all honesty I've NEVER used my Priest to heal. I've obviously shifted out of Shadowform to keep myself alive but that's about it.

In Instances I've used the Shadowy stuff to benefit the group and no-one's ever asked for a heal or dispel from me.

So re-spec'ing at 70 would give me time to read up on the unused spells and re-arrange my bars a little.

As for my Paladin, I've been running SM on my own with an old sword + shield equip'd to AoE the instance done and gather the greens and rare blues for my lowbie Warrior alt. (level 21)

And I really enjoy killing stuff like that. And it'll only improve with a talent spec suited for Tanks.

I'll ask around on my server and see whats in demand.|||First off all of those toons will need gearing and proper specs. Don't even think about raiding in PvP gear or with a PvP spec.

Second, some things to ask yourself:

1) what do you mean by raiding guild? None of your toons will be attractive (in their current state) to a guild in Black Temple. A guild in Kara/Gruul/Mag? With some gearing, any of those would be nice.

2) Why and how often do you want to raid? Are you willing to commit to X days per week, or are you looking for a guild that raids, but has no attendance requirements (a so-called casual raiding guild)? YOu seem to be actively playing a lot of alts... if you want to raid at all seriously you need to focus on a main toon. By that I mean really learn some theorycraft on how best to play that class/spec, put some time into running 5 mans on it so you're polished in group play, getting good gear for it, gemming and enchanting properly, etc. I'm not saying you can't play alts... but raiding seriously (as main focus of your play) takes some commitment to the group on your part.

3) What class(es) and role(s) do you like to play? If you hate tanking and healing, the pally's out unless you find someone who wants a ret pally. Mages are nice, but pure dps is easy to find. Priests... people love Shadow priests for the mana regen and the decent damage. Holy priests can be v good healers. Disc priests? not useful.

4) Are you ready to raid? What's your five-man experience? Done heroics? If you're not very good in a group, you're not ready to raid (you CAN... a lot of people DO... but you're not ready to be good in raids).

Raiding guilds will usually have different needs at different times. I've seen them ccry for shadow priests... get enough and that class/spec is closed. So some of this will just depend on what people need.

Gearing some classes is easier than others. The mage and priest will be easy to gear if they're tailors... the tailored gear is great stuff and easy to make. There's some BoE gear that's great too (Spellstrike, Whitemend, Girdle of Ruination, etc). I've not played a plate class but it's my impression that there are fewer slots that can be filled with crafted gear for paladins.

All that said... the best way to get into a good guild that raids is to play with those people. PUG. Make sure you're good in groups and have good gear - don't walk in a screw up or br very subpar because of something you can deal with like gear. But... PUG.|||See if the hot guilds on your server have websites and see if those websites have an apply button. Keep an eye out for the hot guilds needing a few more to flesh out their own heroic/instance/BG runs and join the "pug".|||Respec the paladin to a decent spec, is the best raid spec currently for paladins.

Get Shard of Contempt from Heroic Magister's Terrace, Libram of Avengement from the Maker in Heroic Blood Furnace, and use your new badges to purchase a Blade of Harbringers.

From there try to get into some pug Gruuls, Karaz, ZAs, or Mags, and pick up offspec upgrades or T5/T5.

Save honor - the S4 pvp neck, pvp ring, pvp bracers, and most of the arena sets will be the best available in slot items for your character.|||There are all kinds of raiding guilds. Some serious some a joke. Theres so many kara guilds on my server. So it all depends really, on what kind of guild YOU are looking for. It wouldnt hurt to get in on an entry level guild whos doing kara and stuff. Thats about your current gear level / experience so its a start

Besides that, if you want someone to take you serious, your gear needs to be pretty good. Its hard to get into more established guilds with blue gear. PVP gear alright in some circumstances. Between PVP gear, reputation gear, and badge gear theres a LOT you can do for yourself. Then that gear should be gemmed and enchanted properly. I only have a few pieces of DPS gear from 25 mans. Its sidegear for me so I dont get em often. And my DPS set is full epics just from heroic items, badge gear, crafted and a couple PVP items. (and a couple things from ZA)

Last note, some classes like rogues and hunters are a dime a dozen; its harder to get classes like that in a better guild.

Theres also playstyle. When we look at applications for our guild, people who are "weekends only" or have to leave at 9pm each night cuz of school or cant play on 3 of the weeknights etc get skipped over quickly. But that all depends on the guild your applying to.|||Quote:

Last note, some classes like rogues and hunters are a dime a dozen; its harder to get classes like that in a better guild.

True. We peaked at having as many rogues wanting to raid as all other DPS classes combined. That's kind of corrected itself lately, as some of them left for "greener grass", and generally found out the grass wasn't really greener.

A well-played hunter or rogue is always an asset, but you're going to have to find a way to stand out. Know all your abilities and when to use them, and at least read about each fight before you go there, even if you don't spend hours pouring over strategy guides. Study your abilities and what sequences work when. Accept that there are some guilds that will be more interested in you following their idea of a perfect spec than what you find works best for you. And most importantly, accept that if you can't stand out from the crowd, you may not be happy with what raiding experience you do have.

For example, one of the rogues that left unhappy felt that he should always have a position in the raid because he had fairly high DPS. Of course, he overlooked the fact that some of the other rogues were better at things like interrupting the right spells, applying healing and casting debuff poisons when appropriate, etc.

My guild doesn't even call itself a raiding guild. We're a casual guild that happens to raid. We don't expect everyone to be world-class theory crafters, but we do expect people to learn and improve, and to understand the basics of each fight. For example, one character that I hope see's the light soon died twice in the same Prince fight, and frankly was a waste of a battle res. I think that person gets the point that "run from prince back to the ranged group when you're enfeebled" really means turn and run, don't try to get in a few last attacks, go all the way, and don't just walk backwards from prince, but we'll see.|||Quote:

Yes I'd be willing to re-spec my Priest to Healer but I was considering doing that at level 70.

And, in all honesty I've NEVER used my Priest to heal. I've obviously shifted out of Shadowform to keep myself alive but that's about it.

In Instances I've used the Shadowy stuff to benefit the group and no-one's ever asked for a heal or dispel from me.

So re-spec'ing at 70 would give me time to read up on the unused spells and re-arrange my bars a little.

As for my Paladin, I've been running SM on my own with an old sword + shield equip'd to AoE the instance done and gather the greens and rare blues for my lowbie Warrior alt. (level 21)

And I really enjoy killing stuff like that. And it'll only improve with a talent spec suited for Tanks.

I'll ask around on my server and see whats in demand.

shadow priest is a much needed raiding spec, shouldn't have to respec if you can gear yourself for shadow

but yea, same as everyone else said

pve spec

pve gear|||Have Bloodlust.

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