Thursday, April 12, 2012

ICC: Guess I'm Late to the Party

[:1]Let me start by saying that I'm glad I'm on the server I'm on (US-Gorefiend). It is the only server I've ever been on where you can pug and safely assume that everyone knows what they're doing and will carry their weight.

After doing a few Naxx runs, totally missing out on Ulduar, being involved in a few attempts of ToC that didn't even get past Northrend Beasts (yarly), I finally had time for the first time in about a year to sit down and do a raid. So that raid happened to be ICC 10.

It was the faceplant run for me like anything I've never experienced before, but we beat the first wing before the group broke up. Much fun, let me summarize.

Me: (and yes, I have plenty of room for gear improvement).

Marrowgar: die because I get meleed while dodging fire (my fault). Self res during whirlwind (my fault). Get bres and wait for fire to stop crossing over my body (which takes way to long), kill boss.

Lady Darkwhisper: Die to first addspawn because tank does not/cannot pick up mob beating the crap out of me. (not my fault I guess, but I should have dropped earth elemental totem). Get brezzed, die in phase 2 to little spawning ghost things (my fault -- didn't even see it spawn next to me).

Gunship: Die wait, just kidding. An event easier than chess event? Who knew?

Saurfang: Group wipes first attempt at 10% because two people died (which considering this is a straight up pug that's a good first crack). Die on 2nd due to mark of blood (or whatever it's called -- the nasty thing where you take damage tank is taking). It sucks because I was healing myself like crazy while the druid (who was awesome the whole time and totally patient with me) was working on keeping everyone else up. Fortunately, I was the only one who died and we cleared it.

Grand total for 4 bosses, 3 of which were 1 shots: 5 deaths. Five times the repair bill.

Group was great, but next time I'd like to die less. I've never died that much in a raid ever -- well, except for when I was progressing through BWL back in the day.

Still, nice to be able to see new content and know that I can keep up. And I here I was at the beginning of the week immediately giving up on the weekly raid because it was ICC.|||for a PUG that sounds pretty amazing progress. I've been in plenty of PUGs who couldn't even clear the trash before marrowgar without wiping, let alone any of the bosses. there's nothing to be ashamed of dieing a few times on your first run to a new place. we've all been there. the only thing you can do is smile, laugh (pay the repair bill) and learn so you don't make the same mistake next time.|||Quote:

for a PUG that sounds pretty amazing progress. I've been in plenty of PUGs who couldn't even clear the trash before marrowgar without wiping, let alone any of the bosses. there's nothing to be ashamed of dieing a few times on your first run to a new place. we've all been there. the only thing you can do is smile, laugh (pay the repair bill) and learn so you don't make the same mistake next time.

Yeah, 80g in repairs was well worth it. Very enjoyable and good progress. And yeah, I'm lucky/fortunate that my server has amazingly good PUGs.|||wow impressive for a pug.

The next wings are a step up though, I doubt you'll be pugging those quickly.

But still, awesome stuff. I wish we had such great pugs on my server, would be easier to do the weekly on my alts...

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