Thursday, April 12, 2012

Leaving Group...

[:1]Anyone else experiecing people leaving the group if poop hits the fan?

I hate to say this (I really do), however I used it... as my tankadin. Hear me out.

I pug like there's no tomorrow or when not running with the guild. I have many many alts. Any ways, last night I got pugg'd for hHoR. Being the tank and have done it in the past... I lead the group to where and how I was going to tank the instance. Gave everyone specific instructions "Stay in the cubby, Don't hit anything until I lay down Consencration etc, Stay in the cubby!"

First pull, the healer jumps out half way through the pull and died upon the 2nd wave coming in. As soon as the healer died and things were going to wipe I "leave group"... Did I get some whisper from the healer... wow.

This is why I did it. No one listened. I ran it a lot of times successfully. Healer was very undergeared as well the dps was all under 2K after the 1st pull. You have to understand how many times I've been through BS like this.

What are thoughts on people leaving group mid way through a pull? I do feel bad but will continue to do it upon a BS group as MT. I play the game every moment - never wasting time. I hate repair bills because my group sucks. Keep in mind I've pugg'd on my tankadin at least 600 times.|||Here's the thing. The cubby strategy doesn't actually work very well unless a good chunk of your group is overgeared.

The cubby strategy also involves people leaving the cubby once the tank picks up the mobs, and the tanks have to pick them up very quickly. If you stay in the cubby while fighting, you take a lot more damage and the healer is a lot more likely to be CCed. If a tank insists on using the cubby strategy, I jump out as soon as I see the priest come in. (If I wait much longer, I'm going to eat a shield bash or fear.) If the tank can't pick up all the mobs by then, that's their problem, and they shouldn't be using that strat. Trust me, it's a lot easier for me to shackle the hunter and tank the mage than heal through everyone stacked in a flamestrike while being feared by the priest, interupted by the footmen, and blocked by the hunter.

So basically, if the healer died, it was your fault, not theirs. It's your job to pick up the mobs, and its not their job to heal through a poor choice in strategy.

You would have had an earful from me too had I been your healer.

Edit: It's also pretty hard to be undergeared for HoR with the higher queue requirements. My DK that ran it successfully (at aroun 3.5K dps) before the change is now locked out from the instance. I've beat the gauntlet at the end with that DK and a 1.5K dps lock with our 5th member dead to a cleave. The dps requirements aren't as high a people think. So, they weren't undergeared, they were appropriately geared. You are just used to overgeared groups from what I can tell.|||Well, I have a little different take on it. When I join a group I commit to the group. Wipes happen occasionally, the first question I ask is what could we have done better, If people are willing to try I will continue to try with them. If we have 3 wipes, and it's clear we either have a poor chemistry between the people trying, or if we have someone who won't listen and is causing wipes, then I will announce that it just isn't happening, and then leave. I undertand about the repair bills, but to leave without notice just doesn't seem right to me. People, Including me make mistakes from time to time. Being willing to learn from them is important. Hard to learn if people drop as soon as they see a problem, instead of saying next time try this. I will listen and learn from it. Some instances I have run enough to feel very comfortable with every boss. A few I haven't ran that often, and have to learn by trial and error, and good advice from the people in the group.

BigAl|||what really annoys me is people who leave at the very start of an instance (before the first pull), but pulling out after a single wipe is just sad. repair bills? oh no, you might go just under 5k gold, BOO HOO. seriously, its the lamest excuse in the book.

Jan, I think you need to remember back to vanilla wow or even TBC where you would be in an instance for 1-2hours, maybe wiping up to 10 times trying to clear it. and BigAl is right, leaving a group without explaining why is just rude.|||Not arguing the specifics of your story, but I don't have a problem at all leaving unannounced in the face of idiocy. I've done it once.

hUP: I was healing with a pally tank and 3 other guys (obviously lol). The tank starts running........and doesn't stop. At first I think he's just trying to gather a couple groups and rush through the trash but he didn't stop at all. I was throwing as many instants as I could and shielding every cooldown, but he was close to being out of range so I couldn't stop to cast anything. I dropped as he was turning the corner to Svala's Area.|||Quote:

Well, I have a little different take on it. When I join a group I commit to the group. Wipes happen occasionally, the first question I ask is what could we have done better, If people are willing to try I will continue to try with them. If we have 3 wipes, and it's clear we either have a poor chemistry between the people trying, or if we have someone who won't listen and is causing wipes, then I will announce that it just isn't happening, and then leave. I undertand about the repair bills, but to leave without notice just doesn't seem right to me. People, Including me make mistakes from time to time. Being willing to learn from them is important. Hard to learn if people drop as soon as they see a problem, instead of saying next time try this. I will listen and learn from it. Some instances I have run enough to feel very comfortable with every boss. A few I haven't ran that often, and have to learn by trial and error, and good advice from the people in the group.


I agree. I've hung in there with some awful groups - a tank dressed in cloth (a Warrior) 'because it looks better', a healer who refused to heal because 'it'll deplete my mana and I need that for other spells' and people who just stood by while the rest of us struggled with some monster that needed the whole group to weigh in. It's a learning experience and I suppose the high repair costs go with that learning, although it helps if you're Exalted with a faction.

I think it's a point of pride in yourself, a matter of completing something once you've started it and not bailing out. You wouldn't do it in real life (at least I hope most wouldn't) so I think it shouldn't be done in a raid either.|||For me there are 2 big things that make me more or less likely to drop a group. First is how the instance is going and the second is communication.

Struggling through problems is all fine with me if the group is actually making progress with the wipes. I'm happy to explain what people need to do if they actually listen and at least try. Oculus before all the nerfs was a case like that, Eregos could take a lot of wiping to finally get down and I hate the dragon mounts with a passion, but I did my best to explain what everyone needs to do and keep trying till we got it.

Wiping again and again in h HoR (surprise, thats the only place I can remember dropping a group at) and seeing that no one makes even the tiniest bit of effort to fix whatever problems we're having just makes me want to stop wasting my time there, because it's rather obvious that if nothing has changed in the last 5 wipes nothing will change in the next ones either. In a situation like that it isnt a matter of thoughing it out till the end, it's simply something that wont succeed because the other people involved dont care enough to make it work. And since the group apparently didnt pay any attention to what I said earlier I doubt they'd care about hearing that I'm done wasting my time there.

Maybe that makes me a bad person and usually I try to be more understanding, but there comes a degree of stupidity and bad play that gets just plain aggravating. When a game makes me feel so strongly annoyed and angry it's time to get out of there.|||Quote:

Maybe that makes me a bad person and usually I try to be more understanding, but there comes a degree of stupidity and bad play that gets just plain aggravating. When a game makes me feel so strongly annoyed and angry it's time to get out of there.

Without a doubt, there is no reason to stick around in a dungeon where its obvious no progress is being made. In those cases, an "I'm sorry guys, but this just isn't going to work" and then leaving is fine as far as I'm concerned. (Oh, but please don't do this midpull. That's just rude.)

Dropping group mid pull because you are anticipating your first wipe doesn't give you a lot of room to claim "no progress was being made."|||Quote:

Without a doubt, there is no reason to stick around in a dungeon where its obvious no progress is being made. In those cases, an "I'm sorry guys, but this just isn't going to work" and then leaving is fine as far as I'm concerned. (Oh, but please don't do this midpull. That's just rude.)

Dropping group mid pull because you are anticipating your first wipe doesn't give you a lot of room to claim "no progress was being made."

I quite agree. I think there's nothing wrong with saying (and not in mid-pull) 'Sorry, but this just isn't working for any of us, so I'm going to leave the group'. It's honest and it's realistic.|||I'd never ditch someone on the first wipe. As I said, I'm perfectly happy to stay however long it takes and help as long as people put at least some effort into listening to that help and trying to make it work.

However, in the h HoR cases I'm thinking of it was very clear that no one had bothered to listen to what I'd said and didnt care about trying to get things done. I still stayed longer than I should have in hopes of getting it done anyway but there comes a point where it's just too much to stomach. I would have left anyway after we were done wiping again, but since the group didnt seem to care about what I said earlier I doubt they'd care about my apologies for leaving. I'm usually almost obsessive about being polite no matter how angry I am but in those cases I just wanted to get out of there.

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