Hey guys quick question. Our guild is in the process of becoming a 25 man raiding guild. Until we have a few more members we are pugging 4-5 people for running 25 man Naxx and other content. I was working when our other raid leader ran the 2nd night and had alot of issues regarding Armageddon from The Four Horsemen.
The issue was we were not doing guild loot, like normal because of the PUG's, but a sort of 1 token 1 item main spec roll kind of thing. When a PUG won the sword everyone in guild got very upset.
We've talked about some things like tier tokens go to guildies first because it's technically a guild run with a few pugs, or guildies can select one piece of loot and they get first dibs.
Anybody have any suggestions or ideals for this type of predicament we are in as far as good rules? I'm a female and have a lot of other things to deal with so would love a little bit of insight from anybody :) Thanks a bunches guys!|||"I'm a female and have a lot of other things to deal with."
When you're pugging it means you need players. Those players are not coming out of the goodness of their hearts - they're coming for the chance of loot drops. If you tell a Pugger that any loot that drops for them can only go to them if none of the guildies want it - you're not going to be attracting a lot of players to pug with.
Until you can put together a guild-only run, your guildies are going to have to deal with the fact that Puggers can win loot too.|||if there are a lot of pugs.. and by a lot i mean 1/4 of the raid is pugs... its /roll
otherwise its only fair to discuss with the pugged member what drops they really want...|||either you discuss it with the pug players BEFORE the raid starts. Or you /roll.
As Surodat said, you need those players. And they dont come for nothing.|||I like the rules that one of the guilds on my server uses for it's Pugs. Basically, they set aside one item that is "guild only" for the run, and it if drops, it goes to the person they designate. Everyone knows what this item is at the start of the raid, so there are no surprises. After that, everyone gets one "need" roll (which only counts if they win the item, of course) and unlimited "greed" rolls. I've seen other guilds adapt this to allow one "need" on non-tier and an additional "need" on tier tokens, for a total of 2 "need" rolls per run.|||No. No guild preference. If I pug in you need me. Tell your guildies to grow the hell up...
You call this a guild sponsored run. It's not. It's a PUG with a lot of people from your guild. If you want to keep loot in guild, get enough people. Or, you know, use your brains and think that maybe, just maybe, the PUG folks are a source of new members.
...and think that maybe, just maybe, the PUG folks are a source of new members.
This is how I would look at it also.
You are essentially running a pug run....so....convince the pugs to join the guild, and you are golden.|||Thank you that's what I was looking for. Obviously I was not considering pugging people who had no shot at loot or otherwise I would not of asked for advice. Thanks for the dumb responses though cause that's exactly what I was looking for. It's not like we are pugging half a raid group we are only pugging 3-4 guys and was asking for advice on the best way to do loot fairly for everyone.|||Oh so you don't actually need them? They're just 3-4 people? Then run without them. Oh what's that? You DO need them? Then give them the same shot as everyone else in the raid at the loot.
This isn't hard - it's basic, common courtesy. Golden rule, treat others as you'd want to be treated stuff. How would any of your guildies want to be treated if THEY were among the 3 to 4 people in someone ELSE'S PUG? Wouldn't they want to have an equal shot at the loot? If your guild can't understand that they should wait to raid until it's a full guild run. But if you need the other people they're as important to the success of the raid as anyone else in the same role and should have the same shot at loot.|||every now and then we all find we might need pug. the way my guild deals with this is simple. every pug who is invited is told at start of raid that the guild uses dkp and will take any pref on raid loot. if the main specs pass on an item then it open to a raid roll for off spec and to pug members. they know from before they enter the raid that they can only roll on loot if they main specs pass. we have had 1 or 2 say no to this idea and drop from raid but 99% are fine with this.
in tbc i pugged my way through ssc ad never once took a bit of loot, but i didnt care i was getting badges and content and that was enough.
if pugs think they can roll on loot and then you get to a boss and they find they cant roll on loot then you hve the problems. be upront with players and they will repect you for it and prob come along again if you need then, lie and misslead players and you will not only cause problems in raid at loot time but you will get your guild a bad name on the server as well.
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