Monday, April 16, 2012

mid-battle looting

Why do people insist on looting as soon as one mob dies?

This is very annoying you have a room full of mobs/bosses you are focusing on being in the right spot, not pulling aggro from the tanks, keeping in the top 2-3 on the DPS meter, etc.. then all the sudden a popup (need/greed/pass). Still in the heat of battle, dont have time to review the item to see if it is something you care about. Heaven forbid you hit Need by mistake. You should have heard the tongue lashing I got from a tank in Kara when I Needed on a BOP tanking ring (Mage) when all I really wanted to do was close the popup.

The loot will still be there AFTER everything is dead!

Z.|||Yes agree thats its a tad annoying when your concentrating on the fight at hand. Usually its the tank (Whos in a rush) which has auto loot on i think.|||yea it happens all the time. i just ignore the popups and keep on fighting. those who loot will have to get up and help. just ask them not to loot until after the fight.|||Quote:

Heaven forbid you hit Need by mistake. You should have heard the tongue lashing I got from a tank in Kara when I Needed on a BOP tanking ring (Mage) when all I really wanted to do was close the popup

Speaking of misclicks, you won't believe how easy can it be at times to accidentally click on a lootable corpse instead of a mob.|||Thats why the roll timer was changed from 1 minute? originally to 3 minutes, to give you time to think about it and not make a snap response.|||I make a distinction between boss loot and trash loot. Trash loot is often picked up while the next group is already pulled, so waiting for a fight to end could leave you with no possibility to loot at all - especially if the tank seems to be in a hurry. No big deal, really.. when it's a green BoE I mindlessly click 'greed', but should it happen that a interesting item drops then well, so be it. Either I try to finish the fight asap, or I take a few glances at the item in between spells/attacks to determine whether it's something I should need. 90% of the time I can see almost instantly when something is an upgrade, so it shouldn't take too much of my attention anyway.

However, when a boss is looted while the fight isn't entirely over yet, or when the healers are still busy ressing the fallen heroes, then I can get aggrevated. But that's a different situation from killing trash, imho, and a matter of decency rather than rushing/misclicking/whatever.|||I always ask my groups to not battle-loot unless we are on some kind of timed run or gauntlet event.

Just seems to make things flow smoother.|||As tacky as it is, I tend to trash loot in mid fight for the following reason: As a mana intensive healing class (shaman), I need to spend my non combat time sitting on my little tailed butt drinking. So when everyone else is looting, and making up their repair bills, I have to regain mana. If we're running fast, this is the only time I have to get something, anything, at all.|||It is very annoying but I also know it can happen by accident. I've done it soloing and since I have autoloot on, I misclick and automatically loot when I really wanted to tag the next mob. I can see this easily happening in a dungeon with several groups attacking. I usually just click greed and move on.|||I didn't know that so many people were chasing mobs around with their mouse pointers.

I have personally used tab-targeting or the assist key for a long many years.

Whats the advantage of chasing a mob with the mouse pointer? It seems that would make it very easy to misclick on any number of things, not to mention be time consuming.

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