For me, it's the new and improved remake of good old Black Morass, Violet Hold.
While I loved BM to bits, there were two things about it that really annoyed me:
- The necessity to clear out all those animals and creepy spiders that infested the swamp before you could get to the actual fight
- The fact that the instance entrance was located in a remote, hard-to-reach location, which made it difficult to reach if your group had limited play time (especially before the introduction of the rep-based teleport).
VH, on other hand, is located within 1 minute of riding time of Dalaran's inns and flight masters, and the fight begins immediately after you speak to the NPC at the instance entrance. As an added bonus, there are no mandatory entrance requirements that BM sports (level 66+, must finish Old Hillsbrad) - as long as you have at least one person in your group with the key, you're OK. This comes in handy when the only healer in your guild is still 72.
That said, I've still seen only half of available instances at the moment, so my opinion may change at a later date (and considering what I've heard about Stratholme 2, it probably will).|||Although the Nexus is pretty cool, as is the Oculus, my favorite so far is Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, for the really cool and epic architecture and the last boss, Herald Volazj. I won't ruin this fight for you guys, but suffice to say, win or lose, you'll be scratching your head after this one. :P|||I like the last boss fight in Ahn'kahet a lot :P. I like the transition from the 2nd to the third boss in Azjol-Nerub though the instance itself is too short. Nexus is lovely visually. Drak.... was OK. The visuals weren't as cool as others and the boss fights were kind of meh though again the last one was fun. I haven't done Violet Hold yet - sounds like I need to. Of the ones I've done? Ahn'kahet so far. But I really, REALLY like all of them. They're better than the TBC instances so far - more interesting mechanics, enough trash to be realistic, not so much as be tedious and nicely designed.|||I agree with Malentra. The last boss in An'kahet is my favorite encounter and not telling people on their first run what will happen is the best part, hehe. Bit much trash compared to the others tho. Oculus and Nexus are beautiful and the Oculus is brilliant. Lots of things to do, yet very little trash. Really looking forward to the last boss on heroic as we had to check out what it was about and do some planning even on normal.
Utgarde Pineapple, as it's been named after numerous sloppy pronounciations by our mostly non-native speakers, was a lot better than the other Utgarde instance imo so a pleasent surprise there as well. Violet Hold also deserves honorable mention for being BM without the annoying parts ;)
I haven't made up my mind about halls of stone/lightning. Was a bit too tired to enjoy it when I did them. The Ulduar complex from outside and the first hall in Stone(?) was awesome at least :) A lot of new models I hadn't seen yet as well.|||after running a couple of heroics i think lightning halls is the best ive run so far. but no doubt this will change as i get all the heroics completed|||Halls of lightning, so purdy! <3 the whole zone tbh. The temple of storms, highest peak in WoWland? Would hate to do the quests for that on a 60% flyer :S.
Same as dwarfenhelm tho, i've only done a few so far. More tonight!!|||I like old strat because I don't have to fight my messed up (fixed) tauren melee range and hitbox.|||Ilike utgarde pinnacle, the gauntlet boss is huge fun as is the sacrifice, I like drek and utgarde keep for nice easy fun and good rep along with nexus.
Only ones I dont like so far, Gundrak- that final boss is insane on normal on heroic he is just one shotting people non stop, needs a retuning. Old kingdom trash is a pain in the ass as well.
So far ive only not run Occulus (everyone seems to be avoiding it, not sure why?) and halls of lightning.|||Hm... I don't know we one shot Gundrak and I was healing... as shadow. The only deaths were a wipe when I forgot to heal myself early on (I'd not healed in months... doh).
VH is quick XP/Rep/loot. Nice esp if you're all in Dalaran and just want something quick.
Haven't run HoL yet or Oculus. Might run one today. Might not (highly motiveated... :) )|||Im only 74 but I have done nexus, UK, AN, and old kingdom and I will agree old kingdom is probally my favorite but every grp I have been in has been a bit slow. I really hate Azjol a holy pally its a pain when adds keep coming and you happen to be low on mana cause the tank is bad. As far as design I like Nexus it use alot of different scenery so its not the same wall 100 times.
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