Saturday, April 14, 2012

Naxx Help

[:1]I'm a healer. The first time I did Naxx 10 was the day after I hit 80, I did not have a problem healing at all...the group was a good group I think and was following directions. We had 2 healers. A few days later I joined a group and we kept wiping on first boss...I was casting the whole time throwing heals on MT and raid because the MT healer couldn't keep up with the tank it seemed like. I left that group, joined another and we downed the first spider boss. Then we got to some lady boss with like 4 hard adds and the raid seemed to be attacking all random adds and such...we wiped a few times. I felt like the other healer wasn't helping much. I found myself removing poisons from 10 people, healing both tanks, and healing the raid. After wiped, I looked at healing meters and it turned out I had 70 percent of healing done, I did have more over healing than the other healer, but only by like 5 percent, so I still had way more effective healing than him.

Should I be worried about my personal performance or does it sound like its a group problem? I healed for 25 man VoA today, came middle in heals and the 2 people above me had more than 10 times over heal....|||Group issue. The key thing with healers is that we need to know what out assignments are and stick to them. If the tank healer isn't healing the tank (or can't due to crappy gear etc) and you frantically try to cover for them... then your people die... it all goes to heck.

It will also be hard if the tank isn't geared and good enough to hold aggro and have decent survivability. 540 defense is a must have in a raid. Period. But so is good mitigation, avoidance, and knowing how to use cooldowns and stuff. DPS needs to be bright and not stand in Rain of Fire etc and needs to be able to put out credible dps (1500 min for Naxx).

A raid is a team, period. If people are well enough geared to be there (tank has 540+ def, dps is good, etc, etc) then it comes down to "can the people individually do their roles well" and "can this group work as a team"? For example, Faerlina (the one with the adds) has a defined pull... you clear the large trash groups... then you have one tank tank her, the other tank the adds. She enrages periodically, you need to pull her to the adds, then kill one of them... then the dps goes back to her. Rinse and repeat. Aside from killing an add like that to bring her out of enrage, dps is always on her. You never pull her until the large packs are done. It's a simple fight, but if people either don't know it or ignore what they should be doing, it's a pain.

Think of it like any team sport - if in baseball or football people ran willy-nilly all over the field doing what they want, they'd lose.

PS: Don't worry about meters. You can rig them easily (see your VOA example), and what you really want to do is keep the people you're assigned to alive, period. The meter breakdowns *can* tell you a lot about how you heal and that can guide you, but the raw numbers don't mean much.|||You really have to be careful about the information that you get from meters. The very fact that you neglected to tell us your class or the classes of those people you seem to be complaining about means that the information you gave us about the meters is 100% worthless.

For example: Pallys are pretty much designed so that they will have high overhealing. A pally with high overhealing isn't doing something wrong. It's normal.

The combat log doesn't count hots that are 100% overheal, making druid healers have lower overhealing on the meters than they do in reality.

Shields don't show up on recount (and even if you use the shield mod for recount or look at WMO or World of Logs the data is very iffy. For several abilities, if shields completely absorb them, WMO simply counts those as "missed" and so it isn't included in damage done or damage healed) So, disc priests will very often be very low on the meters.

So, to answer your question about if its you or the groups, we simply can't tell you without more information.

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