Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I've wondered this but am too embarassed to ask people in my guild. What does saved mean?

I tried to join a Kara pug couple days ago and the guy asked me if I was saved there. I knew I wasn't but what does that mean?

I asked the GM of the guild one time why not just run Mag/Gruul over and over since we seemed to have it down pretty quick and he said you can only do it once a week.

Does the same apply to Kara or other instances?|||Quote:

I've wondered this but am too embarassed to ask people in my guild. What does saved mean?

I tried to join a Kara pug couple days ago and the guy asked me if I was saved there. I knew I wasn't but what does that mean?

I asked the GM of the guild one time why not just run Mag/Gruul over and over since we seemed to have it down pretty quick and he said you can only do it once a week.

Does the same apply to Kara or other instances?

Heroics can only be run once a day. Certain raids can be run every three or so days (Zul'Aman) but most can only be run every week. When you kill a boss in these, you become "saved" meaning you can't come back in with another group to kill that boss again, and again..and again. start Karazhan on it's reset day... Tuesday. You kill Attuemen. You become saved then, to that particular instance. Your group also kills Moroes, but decides that's it for the night. You can't get another group on Wednesday to go kill Attumen and Moroes again, but you can get about the same group as you had on Tuesday to go back in Thursday to go after Maiden. And Friday, to go after Prince. And Saturday, to go after Netherspite. And Sunday... you get the point, until Tuesday, when your slate is wiped clean. Now, what can also happen is that a new person (unsaved) can be brought in on one of these other nights, and they also become saved to that particular run.|||All raids have timers on which they reset. In most cases, killing a boss in a raid saves you to that raid instance. (For ZA, you are saved once you hit the initial gong.) The bosses you kill will stay dead until the next reset. Only other people saved to the same raid ID as you (or who are not yet saved to any raid ID at all) can come into your raid once the game assigns you an ID.

You can see if you are saved to a raid by going into your social screen and selecting the raid tab. (The social screen is where you see your friends and guild list. The raid tab is the last one.) There will be a button called "raid info" that you can click to see what raids you are saved to, what your Raid ID is, and how long you have before they reset.

Most level 70 raids reset once a week early Tuesday morning. Zul'Aman resets every three days.

You also get saved to heroic instances, but they reset every day (sometime in the morning, I believe.) So, you can only run each heroic once a day.|||You've got the basic idea. Raid instances reset like heroics, not like normal instances, but on a longer timer. That means that if you get saved to a raidID, you are associated with that copy of that raid until that raid resets. Most raid instances reset once a week, though Zul Aman resets on a three day cycle, and heroics reset daily. Also note that this timed reset is the only way to reset the instance, you can't reset it arbitrarily like you can regular 5-man instances.

If you're saved to a raidID and that copy of that raid has been cleared, then there's nothing to kill there. You can go into no other copy of that raid instance until it resets. Which also means that if one person in the group/raid is saved to a raid ID, you need to either go into his copy of the raid, or he won't be able to get into yours. If there are two people saved to different raidIDs, then there are real problems, since they can't go into each other's copies of the raid.

Now, how you get saved to a raidID is by either being in the instance when a boss is downed, or by entering an instance where a boss has been downed with no raidID. Either of these will save you to that raidID. In addition, being in ZA at any time after the doors are opened will save you to that raidID (I suspect this is because of the timed event).|||I think any time you kill a boss in either a heroic or raid instance you get saved to that specific instance. The duration of the save depends on the instance. Heroics are only 1 day, but raid instances tend to be a week on average.

This can be specialy annoying when you kill all the bosses except for the last one a daily heroic.|||Quote:

I think any time you kill a boss in either a heroic or raid instance you get saved to that specific instance. The duration of the save depends on the instance. Heroics are only 1 day, but raid instances tend to be a week on average.

This can be specialy annoying when you kill all the bosses except for the last one a daily heroic.

you also will get saved to the instance if you enter a raid/instance where a boss has already been killed|||On a practical note, open your social pane (default key is 'o' I think). As well as 'friends' and 'guild' you'll see a 'raid' tab.

In there, on the top right-hand corner, you will see a button for raid ID. Click this to see what instances you are saved to. If you've done any heroics or 10/25-mans recently, they will be shown here along with a (I think) 6-digit number that will be shared with everyone else who was in the raid.

If you're not sure, ALWAYS check this before joining up to a raid or heroic. There's no better way to lose friends and alienate people than by mistakenly forcing them all into your saved raid.|||

Shows when the instances reset.|||Above is correct. Note that heroics reset daily, ZA every 3 days, all other raids every 7 days at maintenance time.

The reason he asked if you were saved is that in a group EVERYONE inherits the saved status of the person who's saved.... So if you'd cleared the place already and they all entered... they'd inherit the cleared raid, menaing they couldn't kill bosses etc.|||Quote:

The reason he asked if you were saved is that in a group EVERYONE inherits the saved status of the person who's saved.... So if you'd cleared the place already and they all entered... they'd inherit the cleared raid, menaing they couldn't kill bosses etc.

Unsaved people should should only be able to inherit the ID if the raid leader is saved to the ID. (So if the raid leader isn't saved, they and anyone else not saved will land in a separate, uncleared instance.) It's always fun when we go to finish off an instance and the current raid leader wasn't there the first day. It always takes a couple minutes to figure out we've managed to split into two instances. The best one I've seen? SSC where we had killed Lurker the day before after the normal raid in anticipation of Vashj attempts. Lets just say the non-saved people got a fun little surprise when they hopped into the water.

Basically, my point is that unless you are the raid or group leader you shouldn't be able to screw up other people. You will just end up in your own copy of the instance. You still want to check first though, because few things are more annoying than having to replace someone who turns out to be saved.

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