Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tier 9 First Glimpse

[:1]Blizzard has actually posted previews of Tier 9 gear on the official site, see below:

Blizzard Quote: (Source)

We�ve added a preview of the tier-9 class sets that will be offered in patch 3.2, Call of the Crusade, and we�re doing things a little differently this time around.

Warlock (Alliance)

Shaman (Horde)

Mage (Alliance)

Priest (Alliance)

Hunter (Horde)
|||It is more like cloth ( slightly different colors ) and mail ( slightly different colors ). And Mail looks like the hunter T3 from old world naxx.|||I wonder how many shades of BROWN they can fit in the Druid one?|||I'm so disappointed =/

Yay for originality Blizz. At least season 7 gear is completly different between classes.|||What IS it with the huge shoulders? I just don't get it - it looks ridiculous on the cloth and rather silly on the others. I kind of get it for plate, but a priest with those shoulders looks silly.

And what did they do, fire their art department?|||Quote:

What IS it with the huge shoulders? I just don't get it - it looks ridiculous on the cloth and rather silly on the others. I kind of get it for plate, but a priest with those shoulders looks silly.

Maybe they're all just huge fans of Dallas and Dynasty and all the other naff 80's series where those silly shoulders were soooo trendy way back when ...|||if you look at the colours they are all based on the Tier 2 scheme and yeah this is the most fail set blizzard has come up with.|||I think the point from now on is to make one Tier x model and then make the others variations of it. So ppl in the same tier will sorta look similar.

Saves on development costs?

And big shoulders have ALWAYS been a staple in wow tier gear... I don't understand what the fuss is about this late in the game.|||Quote:

I think the point from now on is to make one Tier x model and then make the others variations of it. So ppl in the same tier will sorta look similar.

Has been that way since the beginning of BC. Remember the uproar when the first arena sets were nothing but the T4 sets in slightly different colors ?|||Quote:

I think the point from now on is to make one Tier x model and then make the others variations of it. So ppl in the same tier will sorta look similar.

Seriously. The AC is building an army. Do you want them to look like a bunch of ragtag noobs or an imposing force?

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