Monday, April 16, 2012

troubles in maly...10 and 25 man

10 man cant seem to get him down to past 10%

25 man we're having troubles hitting below 30%

anyone have any success stories to share? :)|||What's happening? Are you all dying or are you hitting the enrage?|||Practise on the daily Aces High.

Most likely people are failing in keeping their dots running in p2.|||phase 1 cc a spark till you have 2 sparks out at once then death grip both to your group at same time, pop heroism then go ape on the boss. some times we save heroism for the swap over from phase 1 to 2 if we have lots of ranged in group as you have 5-10 secs with him in the air at 50% and we can burn him to 43% b4 hes out of range.

phase 2 mark the adds on the deck and focus fire then asap, get your warriors and enhance shammys in air first, same again mark your target in air and all out nuke 1 at a time.

phase 3 mark the tank get a bit of range on maly and stay as close to each other as poss, 3 no more than 4 healers in this part (10 man 2 healers) and nice and steady 1,1,1,3 rinse and repeat. dont try to rush just pace yourself so you always have enough energy for button 3. if you get targeted fast 1,1,5 then carry on 1,1,3 as soon as you take group damage fo right a tiny bit till out of the aoe though keep doing your attacks at same time. you need around 3 mins for phase 3 and everyone should have between 15-20 stacks on the boss.

if you dont group up as tight as poss in phase 3 you will not make it as your group heals will not work. when we take a few new people to maly we go up to daily and all grab a drake or sit on birds and make sure the whole raid can move together as 1 group, if you do that maly dies|||we need much more infos, rotten ^^ Start by answering Clav's questions. Then tell us how many of you have problems with the drakes, and how often you do the daily in coldarra.

P1 and P2 are quite straight forward, and there are not that many different tactics for it.|||For phase 1, you no longer want to cc the sparks because as I recall the spark + pool duration was fixed to a certain amount. This means that if you keep the spark alive the pool will last for less time. Instead kill them right away for max buff uptime.

The real roadblock for my guild in 10 man Malygos seems to be phase 3, if it goes well we kill him, if not then no amount of success at the earlier phases will compensate. We have a couple of people who can consistently get high stacks and even keep a stack running through a focus, but we also have others who just cant seem to get higher than about 6 before they drop it. The way we managed to down him was getting everyone to practise with the daily and get almost all of our good drake people in on the same attempt.|||just hitting enrage.

we had 3 min 30 seconds for the start of phase three with him around 38%...

phase 2 seems to be kind of a downfall, since we burn through phase one with about 7 minutes left easy...something about phase two is really bogging us down in 25s and 10s

phase three we usually have 1-2 drop right off the bat pretty much in 10s and usually wayy too many in 25s for it to be effective for us.

i think we'll try with the groups before the raid to do aces high and see how it works|||For P2 I'd make sure you have an order on who takes discs. Typically your top melee dps first. Put up a MT target for this person to make it easier for ranged to assist so you can get the rest of the melee airborne faster. What to dps seems to confuse people a lot here. Having all the flying dudes at 50% is no good, you need proper assisting from everyone.

The easiest way to do P3 in my opinion is to simply take 5 healers and have them aoe heal. This allows the people dpsing to ignore the shield if they get targeted. You start of P3 by having everyone fly north and bunch on a marked person and follow him/her clockwise as the static thingymabops spawn. This way you get this guide for P3:

Healers: Locate marked person north, bunch on this person while moving clockwise and doing 2-3 hots->aoe heal

DPS: Locate marked person north, bunch on this person while moving clockwise and pressing 1, 1, (1,) 2.

It's not the most pro strategy and won't do for a 5 min kill, but it keeps the things people have to keep track of to a minimum. Bunch on the mark and press 2 buttons. You should have more than enough dps provided you've not lost too many people in p2. As long as people manage to keep up with the marked person to get heals and avoid the static orbs you should be fine.|||Stop letting people die through one way or another. People need to stand in bubbles, need to move in time and stuff needs to be tanked. Get melee on the discs asap. If your DPS is good enough to get through p1 with that much time left, people are simply being stupid if they can't get you through p2 properly.

As I said earlier, I'd wager people simply can't keep their stacks of dots up - make sure everyone has Energy/Health/Combopoints for pets/vehicles enabled in their UI. It makes it a fair bit harder otherwise. Move if you take damage, it ain't all that hard to figure out.

If you get people who can't keep the dot up, you'll never get him down. A proper stack at the end does over 20k damage. One stack does 1k damage. Times 20, that's a helluva lot of damage you're missing per tick.

Bunch up, so the healers can heal everyone in range.

I wouldn't advise ignoring the shield. You can easily pop the shield when he targets you -and- keep up your dot rotation, unless you get targeted three times in a row.|||The reason I suggested 5 healers and ignoring the shield is because shielding can cause the dot fall off if people freak out. 5 healers means you won't have to worry about shielding if people can keep up with the movement of the marked person. A 3 point dot gives you 14 secs to build CP, shield, fire and and apply the dot again to not lose the stack. It can be tricky and a lot to keep track of if you're not comfortable with the encounter. You rely on people not losing their dot to get through P3 and the strat I suggested may or may not help you. Ideally you want everyone to get all the mechanics right of course.

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